Our College of Education community is proud of our many college staff recognized at this year's Staff Service Awards event for their years of service in the college and at CSUN. Please join us in congratulating these staff for their years of exceptional contributions and commitment!
5 Years
- Nancy Aguilar, The Doctoral Program, Educational Leadership & Policies Studies
- Day Lily Heisinger-Nixon, Deaf Studies
- Sarah Oesterle – Director of Advancement
- Rachel Reilly, Deaf Studies
- Jasmine Solis, Deaf Studies
10 Years
- Theresa-Jasmine Kolkebeck, Deaf Studies
- Tiffany Lopez, Deaf Studies
- Sheila Ramos, Center for Teaching & Learning
- Irena Yakubova, Center for Teaching & Learning
15 Years
- Ricardo Macias, Educational Technology
20 Years
- Blanca Plascencia, Special Education
30 Years
- Maria King, Dean's Office