Faculty Council

Curriculum & Assessment Committee

Membership: The committee shall be comprised of one voting member (full-time faculty on tenure-track) elected by each department and the Associate Dean (ex officio, non-voting). The term of office is two years. If a member resigns or it no longer able to perform his/her duties, the department left unrepresented by such resignation shall elect a new representative. The membership shall elect a committee chair at the first meeting.

Functions: The committee has two functions: 1) to provide leadership and support in the development of programs and curricula; and 2) to provide leadership and support in the annual assessment of the programs.

1) To provide leadership and support in the development of programs and curricula, the committee will engage in the following activities:

  • Ensure that the University guidelines for the design and content of programs and courses are followed.
  • Evaluate requests for newly proposed programs and courses related to all College of Education credential programs, certificate programs, and master's programs, making recommendations for needed revisions to the sponsoring departments.
  • Evaluate curricular proposals against existing programs for the purpose of detecting potential duplication and ensuring the rigor of programs.
  • Review and make recommendations related to the utilization and evaluation of instructional materials, resources, and services related to the programs of the College of Education.
  • Review and recommend policies related to screening and examination of candidates working towards degrees, credentials, and certificates.

2) To provide leadership and support in the annual assessment of the programs, the committee will engage in the following activities:

  • Facilitate the implementation and continued refinement of a systematic approach for collecting, summarizing, analyzing, and disseminating date on candidates courses programs, faculty, and all aspects of unit functions for the purpose of assisting departments with annual program self-study and improvements and maintaining the information requested by NCATE and other accreditation agencies.
  • Receive and review the annual self-study reports from individual departments and engage in discussions with department representatives.
  • Help Faculty Council disseminate summary information from the program self-studies conducted during the past academic year, the resulting improvement plans based on evidence, and the changes considered for the current academic year. Dissemination will be at a College-wide Meeting.
  • Assist and encourage programs to comply with NCATE, CCTC, WASC, and/or CACREP as well as other appropriate accrediting agencies.


Regular Meeting: Meetings shall be held at least twice a month on the second and fourth Tuesdays. Faculty Council Chair shall be notified each semester of the days and time of meetings. Meetings shall be open to all members of the faculty, who shall have the right to speak on any item on the agenda.

Procedures: All course and program requests must be submitted on the approved University form (available online). Materials for the review of the committee including course proposals, course modifications, program materials, etc. will be submitted to the chair of the committee at least one week in advance of the meeting with copies for all members (8). Curricular and program proposals and modification requests are read two times, once for discussion only; the second time as an action item requiring a vote. The Chair will inform the sponsoring department of the decision of the committee and provide assistance with recommended revisions. Once revisions have been made, the Associate Dean forwards curriculum to the appropriate University committee.

This committee will report to COE Faculty Council once each semester, after review and analysis have been conducted.