Subject Matter Competency (Multiple Subject Credential Program– Effective May 1, 2004)
Effective May 1, 2004 Verification of having passed the appropriate elementary subject matter examination (MSAT or CSET:MS) is required to apply for admission to the Multiple Subject Credential Program. Candidates in Blended/Integrated programs must check with the Credential Office. For more details, please call the Credential Office at (818) 677-CRED (2733).
Subject Matter Competency (Education Specialist Credential Program – Effective June 1, 2004)
Effective June 1, 2004 Verification of having passed the entire appropriate subject matter examination(s) is required for admission to apply for the Education Specialist Credential Program in Mild/Moderate, Moderate/Severe and Deaf and Hard of Hearing Disabilities. Candidates who will be teaching multiple subjects must fulfill their subject matter requirement by passing the entire MSAT or CSET: MS. Candidates who will be teaching only one subject may fulfill their subject matter requirement by passing the appropriate examination(s). Candidates in Blended/Integrated programs must check with the Credential Office. For more details, please call the Credential Office at (818) 677-2586.
- Subject Matter Competency (for student teaching – Effective July 1, 2004)
- No Child Left Behind Compliance
- Computer Requirement
For Multiple Subject and Single Subject candidates admitted prior to Fall 2002 - CPR Certification (file no longer exists)
For Multiple Subject and Single Subject Programs beginning Fall 2002
Change in Fees: Effective 02 October 2004
- The Credential Office will only accept cashier’s checks, bank checks, or money orders for fee payments.
- CASH and PERSONAL CHECKS will not be accepted.
- All program application or evaluation fees are non-refundable and should be made payable to “CSU Northridge.” Include your CSUN ID number (or the last four digits of your social security number if you do not have a CSUN ID number yet).