Employee Training


This page pertains to employee trainings. Employees include faculty, staff, student assistants, and persons on appointed volunteer status.   


In accordance with CSU Executive order 1039, employees must be made aware of present and potential hazards in their work area and are responsible for reporting any identified hazards to their appropriate administrator. Employees must likewise receive safety training where present or potential hazards are identified.

Record Retention

Completion of employee training must be documented and training records shall be maintained by the hosting department or college as determined by the Dean or Department Head to be in accordance with CSU Executive Order 1031.

Employee training records must be retained for the duration of employment plus three (3) years except for the following trainings:

Record Title

Retention Period

CPR Training Records

1 year after superseded

Defensive Driving Training

4 years

First Aid Training records

3 years after superseded


Each individual is expected to perform work in a safe and reasonable manner, report and address hazards they become aware of, and act to ensure the health and safety of themselves, coworkers, students, and all others.  They must attend/complete all required Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) training and follow the procedures described in the training.

Safety training requirements shall be identified and assigned by faculty/staff in charge of the activity and areas of operations.  Additional training must be provided to the employee when new hazards and equipment is introduced into the workplace, and when new work activities/processes are to be implemented.

The Environmental Health and Safety Office is responsible for providing training support to colleges/departments.

Training materials developed by a college/department staff should be reviewed by EH&S prior to implementation to ensure coherence with regulatory standards. Tracking and monitoring employee training is the responsibility of the department/college to ensure completion of training in a reasonable timeframe.

Employee Training

Employee trainings can be provided in different formats including online, instructor-led, tutorials (video), and live webinars.  However, depending on the task and hazard exposure, some trainings require in-person training to be in accordance with regulations and policies.

CSU Learn is a robust online learning management tool that provides employees with access to required compliance trainings. Employees that are assigned any required compliance training through CSU Learn, will receive an automatic email notification to their CSUN email address with training access instructions.  Note: Newly hired employees are automatically processed by the Chancellor's Office on their official start date, and gaining access to CSU Learn can take up to 10 days. Required compliance training that are assigned to all employees are automatically assigned two days after the employee gains access.  

The following are tips for full functionality of CSU Learn courses:

  • Use a desktop or laptop computer 
  • Use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome browser
  • Allow pop-ups for the respective portals' URL, i.e., and, as they are necessary for course functionality.
  • When receiving a log in error message: close all open browsers, clear your cache and cookies, and relaunch the course.

For a quick introduction to your CSU Learn dashboard click here: CSU Learn Tutorial.

To request information on EHS safety trainings available through CSU Learn, or questions on employee safety trainings, email