Educational Equity Committee

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CSU Definition of Education Equity

Received from Dr. Gordon Nakagawa/ 6-22-01

Interim Special Assistance to the President for Equity and Diversity

California State University, Northridge (CSUN)

Specifically, on the Academic Senate web page, go to the link identified as "Principles and Policies: Papers of the Academic Senate."

The most complete and detailed statement about educational equity can be found on pages 271-272 ("Support for the Principles that Guide Programs to Achieve Education Equity and Faculty Diversity in the California State University"; and "Position Paper: Support for the Principles that Guide Programs to Achieve Educational Equity and Faculty Diversity in the California State University.") I don't know if this constitutes the CSU's "official" definition of educational equity, but it's thorough and specific. Both of those documents were approved in March 1995, so some of the references may be out of date. Regardless, as far as I know, they remain the CSU Academic Senate's "official" statements about educational equity. 

pp 271-272

Support for the Principles that Guide Program to Achieve Educational Equity and Faculty Diversity in the California State University.

RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate of the California State University adopt the attached position paper titled, "Support for the Principles that Guide Programs to Achieve Educational Equity and Faculty Diversity in the California State University," and affirm the principles contained.


In fulfillment of our educational mission, California State University, Northridge (CSUN) is committed to educational equity. CSUN recognizes that educational equity does not depend on ethnic, religious, or linguistic diversity alone. The concepts and dimensions of educational equity shall include, but are not limited to race, ethnic/cultural identity, religious belief, sexual orientation, sex/gender, sexual identity, disability, socioeconomic status, cultural orientation, veteran status, national origin and age. Accordingly, through effective and well-communicated policies, we integrate values that support inclusion and prevent discrimination.

Our goal is to have this commitment reflected in our campus climate which strives to welcome, recognize, and promote respect for the diversity of the community it serves. The goals of the Educational Equity Committee (EEC) are to incorporate knowledge and appreciation of diverse cultural values in CSUN’s curriculum and extracurricular activities. To achieve these goals, the members of EEC work towards:

1.    Sustaining educational equity through development, promotion, maintenance and institutionalization of activities and programs which further our understanding of individual and group diversity, examples of which include but are not limited to:

1.    Faculty Recruitment Workshops

2.    Faculty Retention Workshops

3.    Campus Climate Survey (.pdf)

2.    Ensuring that the concepts and dimensions of educational equity are advanced and incorporated into every aspect of university activity including in academic programs, extra-curricular activities, and employment practices.

The responsibility created by CSUN’s commitment to educational equity is shared by its campus stakeholders including faculty, staff, administrators, and students alike.

Standard Operating Policies of EEC

1.    The agenda for the EEC is prepared on Monday, a week before the meeting. Agenda items should be submitted to Chair by 12 noon Monday following the previous meeting. Agendas should be distributed the Monday before the meeting. Materials are distributed one week before the meeting.

2.    Votes on Committee actions requiring a counted vote are to be recorded in the Minutes.

3.    Email is preferred method of distributing Minutes. Minutes of meetings without guests should be distributed to member no later than Friday of week in which meeting was held. Minutes of meetings with guests should be distributed to members no later than Friday prior to the next meeting.

4.    Minutes of each meeting will be approved at the subsequent meeting of the Committee, with the exception of the last meeting in December and the last meeting in May. Minutes of those meetings will have tacit approval, if no objections are received by the Executive Secretary, one week from the distribution of the Minutes.

5.    Matter before the EEC are adopted if they receive a majority of those voting. Members may vote FOR or AGAINST a proposal. They may also vote to ABSTAIN, which counts as a vote, or PRESENT, which does not count as a vote.

6.    For example: a matter where four members vote FOR, three vote AGAINST, and two ABSTAIN fails for lack of a majority of those voting. However, if the vote were four FOR, three AGAINST, and two PRESENT, the matter would pass. The Chair may vote on all matters, but in practice will vote only to create a tie (thus defeating a proposal) or to break a tie (usually in favor of a proposal). Any member may request a show of hands vote. Three of those members present may request a roll-call vote.

7.    Committee members will be recognized first in all matters involving discussion. Any Committee member, however, may defer his or her turn to speak to any guest, or use his or her turn to question any guest.

8.    The Committee will appoint members as liaisons to the other Faculty Senate Standing Committee. Liaisons will attend other meetings when matters of interest to this Committee are on the agenda.

9.    The Committee can appoint ad-hoc subcommittees to develop recommendations on matters before the Committee.