AHEAD Webinar: Aides in the Classroom: Required, Permitted, Optional?

Thursday, October 31, 2019 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

Bayramian Hall, room 110

Per the AHEAD Website: Following up on a conversation begun at the AHEAD conference, our presenters continue to explore the presence of personal aides and attendants in college classrooms to assist students with behavior, focus, understanding, and communication. While colleges are not required to provide in-class aides for these purposes, we explore whether they are required to permit them to accompany students or whether colleges can require that students have these skills without the benefit of an aide. In other words, are students who need this form of support “otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities?” If institutions say “no” to aides, are they denying equal access? And, if they are required to say “yes,” can they establish restrictions or limitations on the aide?  We will look at the legal, ethical, and social issues surrounding this growing request.

If interested, please RSVP.