37th Annual CSUN Assistive Technology Conference Has Concluded
Polly: Gaming the Way to a Braille Display
- Date & Time
Friday, March 18, 2022 - 10:20 AM PST
- Location
Grand ABCD
- Description
Through a combination of a live demonstration and a PowerPoint presentation, attendees will experience what Polly has to offer for both teachers and students. Polly is an electronic, interactive learning device that reinforces braille skills. With the integration of a structured curriculum and games, tactual and auditory feedback provide the support needed for students to practice reading and writing skills alongside their peers independently.
Attendees will learn about supporting research for using electronic braille with young children, the benefits of using gamification to enhance learning new skills, and how to integrate Polly in the classroom/home environment. Prerequisite skills necessary for the student to succeed with this device will be shared. A brief overview of how the product was developed will be discussed.
An explanation of hardware components that help students independently utilize the curriculum while also acquiring the necessary skills to progress to a braille display for future electronic braille use will be provided. Through a live demonstration of the electronic slate, attendees will understand the benefits of this feature and how it can assist students in learning to use the more portable slate and stylus.
A detailed description of the software included will also be provided in a live demonstration. The curriculum and assessment structure will be explained. Overview of the web-based platform with implications for remote data collection and lesson assignments will be emphasized as support for the teacher.
- Audience
- Disability Specific
- K-12 Education
- Healthcare & Rehabilitation
- Audience Level
- Session Summary (Abstract)
In partnership with Thinkerbell Labs, APH is debuting Polly, the sister product to Annie™, an independent electronic braille learning device. Attendees will experience an overview of the product, be introduced to how the various games can help expedite braille learning, enhance students' interest, and view the teacher's monitoring platform.
- Session Type
General Track
- Blind/Low Vision
- Education
- Gaming & Interactive Entertainment
- Product Demonstration
- Donna McClure-Rogers
American Printing House for the Blind
- Greg Stilson
American Printing House for the Blind
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