Civil Discourse & Social Change

Recommended Films

Reverend Lawson's Film Recommendations


Gandhi bending (film still)

Gandhi is a film based life of Mahatma Gandhi, who led the nonviolent resistance movement against British colonial rule in India during the first half of the 20th century. Directed by Richard Attenborough, the film stars Ben Kingsley as Gandhi. They both won Academy Awards for their work on the film. Also, the film was given the Academy Award for Best Picture and won eight Academy Awards.

Iron Jawed Angel

Iron Jawed AngelsIron Jawed Angels is a film about the American women's suffrage movement during the 1910s. Directed by Katja von Garnier, the film follows political activists Alice Paul and Lucy Burns as they use peaceful strategies and nonviolent tactics to revolutionize the U.S. feminist movement granting women the right to vote. 

Freedom Riders

Freedown RidersThey called themselves the Freedom Riders, and they managed to bring the president and the entire American public face to face with the challenge of correcting civil-rights inequities that plagued the nation. Veteran filmmaker Stanley Nelson’s inspirational documentary is the first feature-length film about this courageous band of civil-rights activists. Gaining impressive access to influential figures on both sides of the issue, Nelson chronicles a chapter of American history that stands as an astonishing testament to the accomplishment of youth and what can result from the incredible combination of personal conviction and the courage to organize against all odds. (Source: