Dear family and friends,
It is with a very heavy heart that we are sharing the news of the passing of Dr. Alfonso (Rick) Ratcliffe. We celebrated his 92nd birthday in October and had a great time. Sadly, Rick suffered a stroke 3 weeks ago which unfortunately caused irreversible damage. He died peacefully at his Belmont home last night at 11:22pm. He requested that we all get together for a celebration of his life, but, due to the virus, this won't happen until some time next year. We will reach out to everyone with the invitation once we are able to safely gather.
Apologies for using email to convey this sad news, there are just so many people to contact that this is the most expedient way. Please feel free to contact us at any time if you would like more information.
With love,
Kelsey & Gretchen Gordon (Rick's nephew and niece)
(818) 674-0056