Wednesday, October 27, 2021 - 1:00pm to Tuesday, November 2, 2021 - 11:45pm
Celebrate and Honor the Memory of a Loved One
CSUN University Library invites you to participate in Día de los Muertos celebration. We will have a community altar, where we share ofrenda, offerings, and come together to recognize and honor the lives of loved ones who are no longer with us.
If you would you like to add a picture of your loved one, you can email a digital image to - we will print it and add it to the ofrenda. Or bring a print photograph to the RIOS office on the Library main floor. We also welcome you to add a note.
If you have lost a loved one to COVID-19, please share a memory in our archive of this time. Documenting Covid-19 @CSUN.
"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." - Thomas Campbell
The Art of Dia de los Muertos Event
Local artist, teacher, and muralist Manny Velasquez will be speaking on Zoom on "The Art of Dia de los Muertos." He documents and teaches the creation of community art, in the media of murals, painting, and papier mâché. Join us to learn about the history, culture, and rich symbolism of this celebration.
Monday, November 1st, at 5pm
Photo credit - Manny Valasquez by A. Garcia, San Fernando Sun -- Día de los Muertos, a Celebration of Life and Death