• Poder Placement

Research Enrichment Core

The Research Enrichment Core was developed to support faculty research mentors by (1) mentor training that integrates cultural humility, and (2) infrastructure and research skills-building to support research development.

In keeping with Critical Race Theory (Bell, 1980) and Wise Mentoring (Cohen, Steele, Ross, 1999), BUILD PODER holds high standards and expectations while supporting faculty in a customized fashion to ensure their research and mentoring provide meaningful, positive, and productive experiences for all members of our biomedical research teams.

Adapted from business and organization productivity models such as Ruch and Hershauer’s (1974) Model of Individual Productivity, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation, and Heskett’s Service Profit Chain, our framework examines how individual factors such as knowledge, skills, and abilities influence the uptake and utility of infrastructure investments.



Research Enrichment Logic Model

Our logic model includes many stakeholders and infrastructure that contribute to research and mentoring activities that improve our outputs and outcomes.


Research Enrichment Opportunites