Patricia Cabral – Undergraduate Qualitative Research Award

Undergraduate Qualitative Research Award: This award is given to a student who has completed outstanding scholarship utilizing qualitative methods of data analysis through research or has demonstrated mastery of qualitative techniques in undergraduate coursework, as evidenced by dissemination of relevant research or scholastic performance in the relevant course.
Roxana Lesso – Delmar Nicks Award

Delmar Nicks Award: This award is given to a student who has shown exceptional scholarship and some service to the Department of Psychology. Scholarship includes involvement of research and presentation of the work through professional conferences or publication. Service includes activities such as involvement working with Psi Chi honors society or participating as a Peer Educator through one of the university’s psycho-educational programs. Named in honor of Dr. Delmar Nicks, who was one of the CSUN founding faculty in 1958.
Sarai Alaniz – Judge Julian Beck Award

Judge Julian Beck Award: This award is given to a student with an exceptional academic record as demonstrated with G.P.A. of 3.5 or higher and high service to the Psychology Department such as through the honors society Psi Chi or participating as a Peer Educator through one of the university’s psycho-educational programs. This is an undergraduate student who shows extremely high potential as a graduate student through these accomplishments. Named in honor of Judge Julian Beck, who was an early advocate for a State University in the San Fernando Valley and a long-time supporter of San Fernando Valley State/CSUN.