The CSUN VITA student volunteers at the YMCA
Sponsored by CIT Bank, the YMCA – in collaboration with the California State University, Northridge VITA Clinic – offered free tax preparation services to local community members in the San Fernando Valley at their Reseda and Van Nuys locations.
With over 745 taxpayers served at the two sites, these sites proved to be among the more popular ones in the San Fernando Valley.
Graduating seniors Jesus Perez and Abdullah Albusaidi, now in their third year with VITA, both got their start as tax preparers for the program and have subsequently moved up to operations supervisors. Both Perez and Albusaidi split their time between CSUN’s VITA clinic and the two YMCA VITA sites. “We see people from all walks of life come into the VITA Clinic,” said Perez. “Many don’t have access to these types of services, and if they do, they often have to pay exorbitant fees for the same services we’re offering.”
As operations supervisors, Perez and Albusaidi work to make sure VITA Clinic sites are running efficiently in order to help the maximum amount of clients per day. This can include setting up the site, client intake, tax preparation, tax return review and whatever else is needed throughout the day.
“Taxes are a difficult process for most people,” said Albusaidi. “We have many clients who appreciate the collaboration between YMCA and CSUN VITA because of the simple fact they have been attending YMCA for so many years. It makes them feel comfortable as they receive our tax services.”
Between the Reseda and Van Nuys locations, each site files approximately 65 tax returns per week. Because of the high volume of clients that come into the YMCA VITA clinics, operations has a very important role.
“We wear many different hats at the VITA Clinic.” said Perez. “We could be setting up the site one day, then preparing a tax return or even reviewing a tax return on another day.
We do whatever is needed at that time.” Due to last years COVID-19 pandemic, the YMCA VITA clinics have adopted multiple ways of filing clients’ tax forms. For example, clients can now exclusively file their return through a digital space, or they can drop off their forms at a site and even come in person to any of the VITA clinics.
Both Perez and Albusaidi plan to use their knowledge and experiences to pursue careers in accounting.