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National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment
NILOA News Feed
- Interview with the Authors of "Aspiring Adults Adrift"
The authors of ‘Academically Adrift’ speak about their follow-up book ‘Aspiring Adults Adrift,’ and shed light on the current status of student development in higher education; and the correlation with student transition into adulthood. - The Surprising Secret to Better Student Recall
David Gooblar writes about the ways in which student learning can be enhanced by making the learning process more challenging, and offers three methods. One is based on a study which found that students who took notes by hand, instead of utilizing a laptop, had to think critically about which notes to write leading to long-term retention of information. - Tugged in Two Directions
Acquiring accreditation has been an issue for many institutions hoping to implement competency-based programs. This article helps shed light on accreditors’ actions and institutions’ attempts to both gain accreditation and ensure student success.
Whats New at AAC&U
Featured news from the Association of American Colleges and Universities
Quality Online Learning and Teaching (QOLT)
Presented by: Brett Christie, Ph.D., QOLT Program Director & Faculty Development Liaison, CSU Academic Technology Services, Li Wang, Ph.D., QOLT Program Coordinator & Instructional Designer, CSU Northridge, Dora Preminger, Ph.D., Physics & Astronomy, CSU Northridge
"QOLT, a program of CSU Academic Technology Services, was developed to assist faculty, faculty developers, and instructional designers to more effectively design hybrid and online courses. The QOLT evaluation instrument was informed by existing models of traditional-hybrid-online course evaluation, as well as long-standing research on effective teaching and learning."
Video/Slides of the presentation
Assessment Spotlight
AAC&U Launches Initiatives to Advance Transformative Change in General Education and Student Learning Assessment
AAC&U announced that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded the organization a $2,305,000 grant to support initial work on two initiatives designed to significantly improve the quality of undergraduate education and increase student success. With support from the Gates Foundation, AAC&U will launch on December 1, 2013 two far-reaching educational change efforts—GEMs (General Education Maps and Markers) and VALUE (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education). The new projects will lay the groundwork for a cornerstone to capstone “remapping” of general education, and for a new approach to quality assurance that moves students’ own work to the center of educational assessment and accountability. Both projects are part of AAC&U’s ongoing LEAP initiative (Liberal Education and America’s Promise), which works to make the most powerful forms of learning a resource for all college students and which challenges the trend toward broad learning for some students and narrower learning for many others. Read more by visiting the AACU website.
Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP)
LEAP embraces a 21st-Century Definition of Liberal Education and promotes:
- Essential Learning Outcomes—as a guiding vision and national benchmarks for college learning and liberal education in the 21st century
- High-Impact Educational Practices—that help students achieve essential learning outcomes
- Authentic Assessments—probing whether students can apply their learning to complex problems and real-world challenges
- Inclusive Excellence—to ensure that every student gets the benefits of an engaged and practical liberal education.
LEAP leaders also work to engage the public with core questions about what really matters in college and to connect employers and educators as they build new partnerships and make the case for the importance of liberal education in a global economy and in our diverse democracy. For more information about the LEAP initiative, please read the "Introduction to LEAP" brochure (.pdf).
2014 Assessment Retreat Materials
2014 Assessment Retreat Materials Bloom's Taxonomy
Assessing Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines (.pptx)
Presented by Bonnie Paller; Joel Krantz, CTVA; Marquita Pellerin, PAS; Kristina Meshelski, Philosophy; Weimin Sun, Philosophy
The Years in Review (.pptx)
Presented by Bonnie Paller
GE Rubric/Assessment Comparitive Cultural Studies and Critical Thinking (.pptx)
Presented by Anu Thakur, Coordinator of Assessment and Beth Lasky, Director of GE
myCSUNtablet Assessment (.pptx)
Presented by Cindy Malone, Biology; Mary-Pat Stein, Biology; Tae Kim, Journalism, and Stephanie Bluestein, Journalism
2013 Assessment Retreat Presentations