University Standing Committees

21 University-level committees have been identified that meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Serves as a standing advisory committee to the President
  2. Addresses a CSU directive, executive order, or other state requirement
  3. Serves in a community relations capacity

Faculty Senate committees or any ad hoc, internal management, or non-university level committees are not included on the list.

Academic Grievance and Grade Appeals Board

Charge/Mission: In accordance with Executive Order No. 792 of the California State University, an Academic Grievance and Grade Appeals Board is hereby established by the Faculty Senate as the agency charged with the responsibility of processing certain academic grievances of students of CSUN against members of the faculty, and for processing of student grade appeals. Academic Grievance and Grade Appeals Procedures

Description of Membership: Thirteen (13) members including: 1 faculty member from each academic college; 1 from Counseling Services; 1 from the Library, and 3 from the student body.

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: Executive Order 792 - Grading Symbols, Assignment of Grades and Grade Appeals

Meeting Schedule: Monthly

Alcohol Policy Advisory Committee

Charge/Mission: Develop goals for CSUN's alcohol abuse prevention and education efforts that are realistic and reflect the intent of the Chancellor's Committee on Educational Policy report. Review and make recommendations on all CSUN policies, procedures, and practices related to the promotion, use, and regulation of alcohol.

Description of Membership: Members are appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Meeting Schedule: Meetings are scheduled as needed. 

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: CSU Chancellor's Office Report of the Alcohol Policies and Prevention Programs Committee and Drug Free Campus Act.

Alumni Association Board of Directors

Charge/Mission: The Alumni Association Board of Directors consists of alumni and community volunteers who serve as a formal link between alumni and the University. Meeting quarterly and working through a committee system, the Board develops support for the work of alumni, students, and faculty; reviews budgets; sets long-term strategic plans; and approves the annual program plans for the Association and engages alumni volunteers in the institution. Alumni Board & Membership

Membership: Open to all those who are loyal to CSUN and wish to express pride in and associate with the University.

Membership Rates: $40 single annual; $50 joint annual; $20 recent graduates and faculty and staff; $500 single lifetime; $600 joint lifetime. Installment payments for Lifetime membership are available.

Committee Classification: A Memorandum of Understanding between the University and the Alumni Association, interpreted together with Title 5, Article 15 of the California Code of Regulations defines the nature and scope of the relationship between the University and the Alumni Association.

Associated Students

Charge/Mission: Associated Students is the primary advocate for students at California State University, Northridge and provides excellent and meaningful programs and services designed to create and enhance a spirited, learning-focused campus environment.

Description of Membership: The Board of Directors or Senate comprises the A.S. President, Vice President, and 22 senators: two (2) from each of the eight academic colleges, two (2) represent the lower division students, two (2) represent the upper division students, two (2) represent the graduate students. AS Members

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: Executive Order 698 Board of Trustee Policy for the California State University Auxiliary Organizations. Title 6, California Code of Regulations, Section 42402

Associated Students Instructionally-Related Activities Board

Charge/Mission: An advisory committee on instructionally-related activities was formed to advise the campus President regarding both the level of the fee and allocation of fee revenue. The goal of the Instructionally Related Activities (IRA) program is to provide student fee funding for out-of-class experiences for students participating in an academic program, discipline, or department and that is integrally related to one of its instructional courses. Such activities are deemed essential for providing a quality educational program and that constitute a vital and/or enhanced instructional experience for students.

Description of Membership: The advisory committee is composed of: two (2) administrators and two (2) faculty members appointed by the University President and four (4) students appointed by the Associated Students President. Faculty members are appointed for a term of two (2) years and representation is rotated among the academic colleges. An administrator representing the academic division of the University serves as the representative of the President.

MeetingsBudget Hearings: Five (5) hearings and one (1) final meeting for budget allocations. Supplemental Fund meetings are scheduled as needed.

Committee Classification: Advisory to the President 

Auxiliary Audit Committee

The University Corporation, North Campus/University Park Development Corporation, CSU Northridge Foundation. 
1. Engage, retain or terminate the independent auditor;
2. Negotiate compensation of the independent auditor, on behalf of the Board of Directors of the designated CSUN Auxiliaries;
3. Confer with the independent auditor regarding the financial affairs of each auxiliary;
4. Determine whether to accept the report of the independent auditor;
5. Approve the performance of any non-audit service for a designated auxiliary by its independent auditor.

Description of Membership: One (1) representative from each of the three (3) designated auxiliaries.

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: CA Senate Bill 1262

CSUN Foundation Board of Directors

Charge/Mission: The Board of Directors of the California State University, Northridge Foundation is a distinguished and representative group of community leaders, who are committed to fulfilling this assignment by developing philanthropic resources to support the educational mission of the University. The Foundation Board provides leadership and guidance to the University’s fundraising efforts, and, in doing so, helps to maintain the "margin of excellence" in the University’s programs. Member listing

Committee Classification: Executive Order 698
Board of Trustee Policy for the California State University Auxiliary Organizations
California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 42402

Campus Environment Planning Board

Charge/Mission: The campus Environment Planning Board is a subcommittee of the University Planning and Budget Group (UPBG) and will serve in an advisory capacity to the UPBG. The committee advises the Vice President for Administration and Finance of its recommendations to the UPBG related to the implementation of the Campus Master Plan and other campus environment issues.

Description of Membership: Faculty President or designee, 2 faculty members-at-large appointed by the President of the University to serve staggered two year terms, President of Associated Students, Inc., or designee, serving a one year term, Director of Physical Plant Management, Director of Institutional Research and Planning, Director of Facilities Planning, Design and Construction who will serve as the Chair.

Committee Classification: Advisory to the President

Campus Fee Advisory Committee

Charge/Mission: The Campus Fee Advisory Committee provides advice to the University President regarding proposed new campus based student fees or adjustments to existing campus based student fees.


  • President, Associated Students
  • Three student-at-large appointments made by the AS President
  • One student appointed from the Student Health Advisory Committee
  • One student appointed from the University Student Union Board of Directors
  • One student appointed from the Instructionally Related Activities Committee
  • Faculty President or designee 

· Staff Representative appointed by the University President

  • Director of Financial Aid
  • Associate Vice President of Budget Planning and Management (Chair)
  • Associated Students Director of Finance, non-voting member 

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: Executive Order 1102 - Student Fee Policy

Campus-Wide Disabilities Issues Board

Charge/Mission: Advisory committee on services to staff and students with disabilities to assist in the evaluation of current campus policies and procedures related to individuals with disabilities, develop plans relating to programs and services to individuals with disabilities, recommend priorities, review barrier removal priorities as specified in the State University Administrative Manual (SUAM) and develop timeline as defined in each campus' transition plan.

Description of Membership: Director of Equity and Diversity (Chair), one (1) member from each of the following areas:
Disability Resources & Education Services (DRES), National Center on Deafness (NCOD), Kinesiology, University Library, University Corporation, Information Technology, President's Office, Human Resource Services, Career Center, Physical Plant Management, Facilities Planning, Student Health Center, Student Affairs, Public Safety, Faculty Senate Office (3), Student Representatives (9).

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: Executive Order 926-The California State University Policy on Disability Support and Accommodations
Policy for the Provision of Accommodations and Support Services to Students with Disabilities

Executive Technology Steering Committee

The Executive Technology Steering Committee (ETSC) is the senior university IT governance group and principal advisor to the President on information technology issues and decisions. The ETSC reports, through the Vice President for Information Technology, to the President’s Cabinet.

Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Council (IAAC)

Charge/Mission: The primary function of the President's Intercollegiate Athletics Advisory Council is to serve in an advisory capacity to the President of the University in matters pertaining to the education and well being of student athletes, the academic integrity of the Intercollegiate Athletics Program, and compliance with the standards of the NCAA and the Big West Conference. The Council shall include representatives of all entities of the campus community that have a role in the development and continuation of the Intercollegiate Athletics Program.

Terms of Appointment: The President shall appoint the Council Chairperson from among the faculty and administration members for a two-year term. Faculty members will be appointed by the President for three-year staggered terms. Alumni and community members will be appointed for one-year terms.

Committee Classification: Advisory to the President

Legislative Aides Association

Charge/Mission: The CSUN Legislative Aides Association was established in October, 2000 by former President Jolene Koester and is chaired by current President Dianne F. Harrison. The organization is comprised of aides from the offices of elected officials (city, county, state and federal) representing districts in the University's service area - primarily the greater San Fernando Valley.

The Legislative Aides Association meets on a quarterly basis and focuses on key University issues and informs members about unique programs on the campus.

North Campus Development Corporation Board of Directors

Charge/Mission: The prudent and integrated development of the sixty-five acres of land that constitute the University's North Campus. Member listing and more information

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: Executive Order 698 - Board of Trustee Policy for the California State University Auxiliary Organizations. California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 42402

Public Safety Advisory Board

Charge/Mission: The CSUN Public Safety Advisory Board is a campus wide safety committee that provides a forum for employees, management, and students to discuss public and workplace safety issues. 

Meeting Schedule: The Public Safety Advisory Board meets in February and May for the Spring semester and in September and December for the Fall semester. 

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: California Code of Regulations, Section 3203

Strategic Enrollment Planning Committee

Charge/Mission: The Strategic Enrollment Planning Committee, (previously named the Enrollment Management Committee), is charged with recommending the implementation and assessment of the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan. The Strategic Enrollment Planning Committee will recommend actions leading to:

  1. Undergraduate enrollment policy informed by data indicators, the University's mission and CSU enrollment targets.
  2. Alignment of enrollment practices with State laws, CSU Executive Orders, the University’s mission, and community needs.
  3. Integrating the primary vision and operational direction of the enrollment management units (i.e., Student Outreach and Recruitment, Admissions and Records, and Financial Aid).
  4. Development of a strategic recruitment plan to include marketing, segmentation of target populations, establishment of the recruitment area, integration with the academic master plan, incorporation of Chancellor's Office underserved communities initiatives, and international student outreach.
  5. Consideration of impaction requests at program, department, College and/or University levels.
  6. Aligning recruitment, admissions, advising, orientation, and student support service communications and practices; to improve student persistence and graduation and achieve the objectives of CSU graduation initiatives.
  7. Utilizing University-based aid to support enrollment goals. 

The Strategic Enrollment Planning Committee shall have the authority to establish subcommittees to assist in accomplishing its charge, and shall review all policies, procedures, and strategies advanced by its subcommittees.

Description of membership: Vice President for Student Affairs (Co-Chair), Vice Provost (Co-Chair), Senior Director for Undergraduate Studies, Associate Vice President for Student Access and Support Services, Appointees of the University President, President of the Faculty Senate or designee, Faculty member recommended by the Faculty President and appointed by the President, College Dean, College Associate Dean, A.S. President or designee, Student representative recommended by the AS President and appointed by the President
Director, Educational Opportunity Program
Director, Admissions and Records
Director, Student Outreach and Recruitment Director, Financial Aid and Scholarships
Director, Institutional Research
Representative from Administration and Finance
Representative from University Advancement
Representative from Information Technology

Committee Classification: Advisory to the President

The University Corporation Board of Directors

Charge/Mission: Core activities include the operation of the University bookstore, the management of sponsored projects and certain endowments for the University, and the operation of food service facilities on campus. Surplus funds generated by Corporation activities are allocated to the University to support activities central to the University's mission, including faculty research, student projects and curricular innovation. The Corporation also invests resources in revenue-generating activities for the benefit of the University. Member listing and more information

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: Executive Order 698 - Board of Trustee Policy for the California State University Auxiliary Organizations. California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 42402

Tri-Valley Alliance for Higher Education

Charge/Mission: The purpose of the Tri-Valley Alliance is to "provide a framework which promotes harmonious relationships among the member institutions and fosters the educational welfare of the academic and lay communities they serve." Campus leaders meet regularly to discuss articulation and other transfer issues. One of the goals of the Alliance is to promote inter-segmental cooperation among colleges in the area. In general, the Alliance helps create an atmosphere conducive to sharing information on academic and administrative topics of mutual interest and helps improve the already excellent communication among institutions at the instructional and administrative levels.

Current Membership:
The original members of the Tri-Valley Alliance for Higher Education (TVA) included:
Antelope Valley College, California Lutheran University, California State University, Northridge, College of the Canyons, Glendale Community College, Los Angeles Pierce College, Los Angeles Valley College, Moorpark College, Santa Monica College, Ventura College

Currently, TVA is composed of twelve community colleges, four private institutions and CSUN. In addition to the original members:
Los Angeles Mission College, Oxnard College, Pasadena City College, West Los Angeles College, The Master's College, St. John's Seminary College, and Woodbury University have been added to the
Alliance over the years. 

Description of Membership: CSUN, Community Colleges and private colleges within the San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Santa Clarita Valley, and Conejo Valley. Participants vary according to topic. Presidents, Academic Vice Presidents, Counselors, Relations with school staff, Educational Equity Programs, Deans, Chairs, Faculty, and Admissions and Admissions and Records staff.

Committee Classification: Community Relations

University Health Services Oversight Committee


  • Identifying all University health service programs that fall under the auspices of Executive Order 943.
  • Conducting periodic HIPAA compliance audits for all effective programs.
  • Maintaining program documentation that demonstrates on-going program oversight.
  • Reviewing new program proposals for adherence to Executive Order 943.
  • Recommend action on health service related concerns and issues.
  • Seek student input on health service related issues through liaison with the Student Health Advisory Committee. 

Description of Membership: Appointees from departments responsible for provision of health service programs, University Police, and Human Resources Benefits. 

Meeting Schedule: Once each semester.

Committee Classification: CSU Directive/Guideline: Executive Order 943 - Policy on University Health Services

University Planning and Budget Group

The University Planning and Budget Group (UPBG) will serve in an advisory capacity to the President by assisting with the development and prioritization of campus goals and advising on the allocation of resources.

University Student Union Board of Directors

Charge/Mission: The USU Board of Directors shall develop policy for the University Student Union (USU). The purpose and responsibility of the USU BOD shall be to maintain buildings and facilities, to facilitate programs, adopt policies, and to oversee financial matters for the University Student Union at California State University, Northridge in the best interest of students, and in keeping with the policies set forth by the Trustees of the California State University systems and by California State University, Northridge.