University Advancement

  • Oviatt Library


Accelerating Latino Success in Postsecondary Education is Focus for Excelencia

At the Celebracion de Excelencia, held at the Mayflower Hotel last Thursday night, four programs were recognized as the 2017 Examples of Excelencia, along with 19 finalists. The Accelerated Study in Associate Programs (ASAP) at Bronx Community College; the bachelor’s of applied science in organizational leadership at South Texas College; the Preparing Undergraduates through Mentoring towards PhDs (PUMP) at California State University, Northridge; and Waukegan to College, a community-based organized based in Waukegan, Illinois, were recognized as the 2017 Examples of Excelencia. -- Diverse Issues in Higher Education

LA Film Schools Compete for Spotlight in OnlineCollegePlan.Com Ranking

You can see the entire list of film schools in descending order below: 10. Loyola Marymount University – School of Film and Television (Los Angeles, CA) 9. Art Center College of Design – Pasadena (Pasadena, CA) 8. California State University Northridge – Department of Cinema & Television Arts (Northridge, CA) -- spoke

LA Film Schools Compete for Spotlight in OnlineCollegePlan.Com Ranking

You can see the entire list of film schools in descending order below: 10. Loyola Marymount University – School of Film and Television (Los Angeles, CA) 9. Art Center College of Design – Pasadena (Pasadena, CA) 8. California State University Northridge – Department of Cinema & Television Arts (Northridge, CA) -- Hospitality 21

Valencia HS grads having a blast at The Blast

He and Mazzio met as teammates on an 8th grade Warriors Pop Warner football team. Both are graduates of Valencia High School, Trock by way of Charles Helmers Elementary School and Arroyo Seco Middle School, Mazzio via Castaic elementary and middle schools. Both are graduates of California State University-Northridge, and they were each in the other’s wedding. -- Santa Clarita Valley Signal
