Admissions and Records

Update Class Sections

This is a tutorial for class scheduling staff only. No log in is required.


This guide reviews how CSUN staff granted security access to the Schedule of Classes (SOC) update class sections using the Update Sections of a Class component for the following pages: Class Status and Class Enrollment Limits.

This component displays class data in a convenient grid making it easy to modify multiple class sections for the following fields: class status, consent, enrollment capacity and schedule print.

Step 1

After logging into the myNorthridge Portal:

  1. Click SOLAR SA.
  2. Click Class Facility Usage.

SOLAR SA menu.

Step 2

The Find an Existing Value page displays.

  1. Enter the Term.
  2. Enter a Subject and Catalog Nbr (if known).
  3. Click Search.

Search criteria page.

Step 3

The Update Sections of a Class page displays.

  1. Click View All to reveal all sections. The default lists the first 8 class sections.
  2. Modify the following fields as needed: Class Status, Consent, Schedule Print and Enrollment Capacity.
  3. Click SAVE.

Timesaver Tip: This picture shows a consolidated view from the Class Status and Class Enrollment Limits pages using the Customize link. Give it a try. You can always return to the system default at any time. Learn how to consolidate selected fields into one page

Class data in a consolidated into a grid view.