Admissions and Records

Modify a Class

This is a tutorial only. No login is required.  


This guide reviews how CSUN staff granted security access to the Schedule of Classes (SOC) add or modify existing class sections using the Maintain Schedule of Classes component for the following pages: Basic Data, Meetings, Enrollment Control and Notes. Managing Final Exams is addressed in a separate guide.

Step 1

After logging into the myNorthridge Portal:

  1. Click SOLAR SA.
  2. Click Maintain Schedule of Classes.

SOLAR SA menu.

Step 2

The Find an Existing Value page displays.

  1. Enter the Term.
  2. Enter a Subject and click Search.
  3. Select the course from the Search Results.

If the course does not display in the Search Results, use Schedule New Course and continue with Step 4 in this guide.

Search criteria page.

Step 3

The Basic Data page displays.

  • To add a new class section, click the plus sign (+).
  • To modify an existing class section, skip to Step 4.

What do you want to do?

Step 4

Use the navigation tools to move between class sections. The 5-digit class number is automatically generated after saving a class section record.

Verify and edit the following fields:

  1. Session
  2. Start/End Date
  3. Class Section
  4. Associated Class
  5. Instruction Mode
  6. Schedule Print
  7. Class Attributes

  Basic class information with links to field criteria.

Step 5

Go to the Meetings page to enter the class meeting patterns and instructor information for the fields listed below.

Enter a Meeting Pattern:

  1. Class APDB Mapping Values
  2. Facility ID
  3. Pat
  4. Mtg Start and Mtg End Times
  5. Day Checkboxes
  6. Start/End Date
  7. Meeting APDB Mapping Values

Do not leave the start/end times blank whenever the Pat field has a value other than ARR.

Fields that class schedulers must enter.

Enter Instructor(s) For Meeting Pattern assignment:

On the Assignment Tab, enter the:

  1. ID
  2. Instructor Role
  3. Print
  4. Access
  5. Empl Rcd#

Instructor related fields.

Most fields on the Workload Tab default automatically. Modify fields as needed:

  1. ID
  2. Assign Type
  3. APDB Dept ID
  4. App Load
  5. Load Factor
  6. Work Load
  7. Auto Calc
  8. Assignment FTE

Click the plus sign (+) to add additional meeting patterns and instructor rows.

 Fields about the instructor's workload.

Step 6

Go to the Enrollment Cntrl page to enter the enrollment requirements and seating capacity for the fields listed below:

  1. Class Status
  2. Add Consent
  3. Enrollment Capacity

  Three required fields class schedulers must know.

Step 7

Go to the Notes page to add or remove a class section note.

Only one note is allowed per row. Click the plus sign (+) to create rows for additional notes.

Click SAVE when done.

SOLAR validates data in all sections when saving. If an error prevents you from saving the record, remove the room and then save. Use Facility Usage to check room availability--it could assigned to another class.

Click Return to Search to exit.


  • Always enter corequisite notes first. It will be easy to update class numbers after term roll.
  • Keep text notes consistent. Check spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar.
  • To remove a note, use the minus sign (–).

  What class schedulers should know about notes.