General Information
- Fall 2021: For information about the temporary suspension of the ACT and SAT tests and admission to the California State University for Fall 2021, see Cal State Apply FAQ for First-Time Freshmen.
- Spring 2021: CSUN is not accepting first-time freshman resident or nonresident (out-of-state) applications for Spring 2021 admission. The next available application filing period is Fall 2021, which opens October 1, 2020.
- Fall 2020: Apply between October 1-November 30, 2019.
- International students should check requirements and deadlines at International Applicants.
- Student military veterans should check requirements at Veterans Affairs & Admissions.
All first-time freshmen may apply for Fall 2020 admission October 1 through November 30, 2019. See the instructions on this page and also review Impaction Information.
CSUN is impacted for undergraduate students. All freshman applicants must meet the minimum standard CSU admission criteria described on this page. Additionally, non-local area applicants must also meet any supplementary admission criteria for their geographical location. If you are a California resident, regardless of location, who is applying to an impacted major, you must also meet any supplementary criteria for that major. Both kinds of supplementary criteria are described at Freshman Impaction.
- Explore CSUN majors in the University Catalog.
- Before applying, please read Academic Programs Leading to Licensure or Credentialing.
Are you a first-time freshman?
A first-time freshman is a student who has earned no college credit after the summer immediately following high school graduation. First-time freshmen must apply for admission before the end of the initial application filing period.
Eligibility Requirements
To be considered for admission as a first-time freshman, you must meet all the standard CSU admission criteria below:
1. Graduate from high school or have the legal equivalent of a high school diploma.
2. Complete each of the college preparatory subject requirements (a-g course list) with a grade of C- or better:
- English: 4 years
- Mathematics: 3 years (4 years recommended but not required). Algebra, geometry, and intermediate algebra
- Social Science/History: 2 years, including 1 year U.S. history or U.S. history and government
- Science: 2 years. 1 biological science with lab, and 1 physical science with lab
- Foreign Language: 2 years in the same language (subject to waiver for applicants demonstrating equivalent competence)
- Visual and Performing Arts: 1 year. Art, dance, drama/theater, or music
- Electives: 1 year. Selected from English, advanced mathematics, social science/history, laboratory science, foreign language, visual and performing arts, or any other courses approved and included on the UC/CSU "a-g" list.
3. SAT or ACT test scores must be received by Admissions and Records no later than Wednesday, January 15, 2020, for Fall 2020 admission. The last opportunity to take the tests is in early December 2019. Register 5 weeks or more before the test date.
- ACT - See the American College Testing Program
- SAT - See the College Board website
4. Earn a qualifying eligibility index. The statewide CSU Eligibility Index is a weighted combination of high school grade point average during the final three years of high school and a score on either the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or the American College Test (ACT). All grades earned in "a-g" college preparatory courses taken in 10th through 12th grades are used to calculate the grade point average (GPA).
- Local area applicants graduating from California schools inside the defined Local Admission Area must possess a minimum eligibility index of 2950 using the SAT or 694 using the ACT.
- Non-local area applicants graduating from California schools outside the defined Local Admission Area must meet any supplementary eligibility index criteria published at freshman impaction criteria.
Note: Space permitting, non-local area applicants will be admitted until the freshman class is full.
- Nonresidents (domestic out-of-state applicants), must possess a minimum eligibility index of 3570 using the SAT or 842 using the ACT.
You can calculate your eligibility index at CSU Eligibility Index. Or, use the following SAT or ACT formulas:
- New SAT (scores in math and evidence-based reading and writing) + (800 x high school grade point average)
- Old SAT (scores in math and critical reading) + (800 x high school grade point average)
- (10 x ACT composite score without the writing score) + (200 x high school grade point average)
5. If your desired major is impacted, you will also need to meet any supplementary admission criteria for that major. published at freshman impaction.
How to Apply
Take these steps to apply for admission:
- Apply for admission during the initial filing period published at Admissions Calendar. Review application deadlines and major status (open or closed).
- File an online application through Cal State Apply during the initial filing period. For Fall 2020 admission, file from Oct. 1-Nov. 30, 2019.
- Have important documents (grades, transcripts, test scores) handy when completing the online application.
- Remit the $70 nonrefundable CSU application fee online in Cal State Apply. The fee must be paid to submit the application. Cal State Apply online will also calculate your eligibility for the undergraduate admission application fee waiver (California residents only).
Please note: Starting with the Fall 2020 admission cycle, the CSU application fee has increased to $70.
- Send us official test scores for any Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Exam Program (CLEP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) exams you may have taken (not required but helpful).
- Send us your preliminary (work-in-progress) high school transcript as soon as you complete the first semester of your senior year.
- Send your final high school transcript verifying graduation date as soon as you graduate. See the deadlines on this page.
All transcripts must be "official." We must receive paper transcripts in sealed, unopened envelopes. If your transcripts are electronic, we must receive them directly from your high school or district. Please do not send identical, duplicate paper and electronic transcripts!
If you are transferring course work taken at a California community college during high school or the summer immediately following high school graduation, see the instructions at eTranscript California.
Ask your previous schools to send your official transcripts directly to us at:
After You Apply
After you have applied to CSUN, make sure the rest of your admission process goes smoothly:
- Set up your access to myNorthridge Portal and CSUN email. Watch for the “Activate Your CSUN Account” email from CSUN Admissions and Records sent to the address you provided in Cal State Apply. You should receive the email 1 or 2 days after you apply. For help, see account activation instructions.
- Monitor your application status. Log into myNorthridge Portal, locate “My Checklist," and review your complete and incomplete tasks such as missing transcripts. For help, see the How To Guides.
- Check your CSUN email and myNorthridge Portal often for official communications. The university will stop sending email to your personal address. Helpful: Forwarding CSUN Gmail to Another Account
- If you are admitted, file your electronic “Intent to Register” to attend CSUN in Fall 2020. See Admitted to CSUN.
Remember, we want to communicate with you!
- Check your CSUN email often for the latest information.
- Take a moment to verify your paper mailing address in myNorthridge Portal. Learn how at Update Personal Information.
Application and Document Deadlines
Task or Document | Fall 2020 Deadlines |
Last day to apply for admission | 11/30/2019 (Apply at Cal State Apply.) |
Send official test scores if you have taken any Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, or CLEP tests | As soon as test scores are available |
Last day for CSUN to receive SAT/ACT test scores | 01/15/2020 |
File Intent to Register in myNorthridge Portal | As soon as possible |
Send official preliminary high school transcript | After you apply and as soon as you complete the 1st semester of your senior year |
Send official final high school transcript verifying graduation date | 07/15/2020 |
Send official college transcripts (if any) To transfer course work from a California community college, see eTranscript California. | As soon as grades are posted |
Provisional Admission
Admission is provisional until all eligibility requirements and deadlines have been met, including those for applicants affected by campus impaction and impacted majors. Read more about provisional admission.
Admission Appeals
If your application for admission was denied or your offer of provisional admission has been withdrawn, see Admission and Deadline Appeals.