(Exerpts from real life situations)

Example 1: In this example, egocentric speech is used not for communication purposes with anyone but instead as a monologueto mirror the motor behavior of the child.

(Please allow around 55 seconds for the Example video/audio files to download; and when finished use the "BACK" button on your Browser to return to this page)

Egocentric Speech
Mirrors Motor Behavior
Female 3 1/2 Years

Example 2: In this example, egocentric speech is used not for communication purposes with anyone but instead as to repeat a phrase that she is probably hearing through eidetic imagery (echolalia).

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Egocentric Speech
Repeating a Short Phrase
Female 3 1/2 Years

Example 3: In this example egocentric speech is used not for communication purposes with anyone but instead as a means of practicing a grammatic rule, in this case the Question Transformation , "Do you like this house?"

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Egocentric Speech
Practicing a Grammatic Rule
Female 3 1/2 Years

Example 4: In this example (which is an audio file only ) egocentric speech is used not for communication purposes with anyone but instead as a means of thinking out loud. In this instance, it is a dual (collective) monologue between two teeagers--one talking about an instructor who does not understand the significance of his name, and the other talking about a girl who asked him to help her with some math. This is not real life situation but an exerpt from a very well done and thought provoking TV series called "My So Called LIfe." (Naturally, it was discontinued.)

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Egocentric Speech
Collective (Dual) Monologue
Two Teenagers

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(Exerpts from real life situations)

Example 1: In this example social speech is used to communicate with someone. A well constructed delerative sentence formulated for this purpose, ie., to describe a picture she has drawn. She says,"She is standing on the edge of the path."

(Please allow around 55 seconds for the Example video/audio files to download; and when finished use the "BACK" button on your Browser to return to this page)

Social Speech
Making a Declarative Statement
Female 3 1/2 Years

Example 2: In this example social speech is used to communicate with someone. A well constructed question sentence structure is used to clarify the value of a color. She asks, "IS PURPLE DARK?"

(Please allow around 55 seconds for the Example video/audio files to download; and when finished use the "BACK" button on your Browser to return to this page)

Social Speech
Yes/No Question Transormation
Female 3 1/2 Years

Example 3: In this example, social speech is used to communicate with someone. In this case a sentence to command some one to do something is structured. She says, "Look how big this 'A' is."

(Please allow around 55 seconds for the Example video/audio files to download; and when finished use the "BACK" button on your Browser to return to this page)

Social Speech
A Command to act Structure
Female 3 1/2 Years

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