Figure-Ground discrimination is sometimes referred to as Signal to Noise Discrimination in the Auditory Modality.

1. Figure (Signal)-Ground (Noise) Discrimination: We have discussed figure-ground in generic terms, and have provided examples for the visual modality.

2. Auditory Closure. Auditory closure is a process of filling in the missing pieces of the figure. Often the noise, (another word for ground) which accompanies the signal (another word for figure), actually obliterates some of it. Quite often it is the higher frequencies which are lost. For the speech signal, this tends to mask many of the consonant sounds. A person with a high frequency loss experiences this loss all the time.

Although closure typically depends upon learning, its application is often automatic and unconscious.

3.Temporal Resolving Power is the ability to handles rapid sequences of sounds.

4. Auditory Memory:

A child with a very restricted short-term memory may have difficulty understanding long sentences.

Ceasar was easier to understand than Cicero (at least for me) because the latter used very long sentences

  • Wrote memory is the short term memory process we use to hold on to information long enough retain lists of items to get from the store, or facts to regurgitate on a test.