for undergraduates in Mathematics

The goal of this international REU in mathematics is to foster interactions between American and Brazilian students, by providing students with meaningful experiences in mathematical research.  It is a great opportunity for advancing your knowledge in mathematics, in addition to acquiring international experience.   Activities are conducted in English and no prior knowledge of Portuguese is necessary.

For an international program in Summer 2006, similar to this REU, visit us at IRES -2006.

You can review here the
2003 program in Rio de Janeiro and the 2004 program at UNICAMP, Campinas, SP.
For more information click on the above links or if you have any program related question contact Helena Noronha.

This program is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). To be eligible for this program, NSF requires that participants be US citizens or have permanent resident status. Participants must be continuing their undergraduate education in the Fall semester of 2004.