The Vietnamese Conflict: An International History

Syllabus and Survival Guide

History 498 – Fall 2010

Mondays, 7:00-9:45 pm, Sierra Hall 268




Dr. Thomas W. Devine

Office Hours: Sierra Tower 624, M,W 2:30-3:30 pm and by appointment gladly given.  Phone: (818) 677-3550 Email:




The following books are available at the Matador Bookstore.  All other readings will be provided in class or made available on the web syllabus.  The Bookstore sends back all books after week four of the semester, so if you plan to purchase your books there, you should buy all of them early in the semester.


• Mark Philip Bradley, Imagining Vietnam and America: The Making of Postcolonial Vietnam, 1919-1950

Eugene Burdick and William Lederer, The Ugly American

• William J. Duiker, Sacred War: Nationalism and Revolution in a Divided Vietnam

• Seth Jacobs, Cold War Mandarin: Ngo Dinh Diem and the Origins of America’s War in Vietnam, 1950-1963

Le Ly Hayslip, When Heaven and Earth Changed Places 

Truong Nhu Tang, A Vietcong Memoir

• Duong Thu Huong, Paradise of the Blind


To subvert the system and to save yourself some money, you should consider buying used copies of the books.  You are likely to find copies priced significantly lower at the following websites:;;;


Requirements & Grading


Class Participation, Quizzes, and Short Writing Assignments           35%


Midterm Examination (October 18)                                                   20%




Semester Project [final version due November 24]                           25%




Primary Source Assignment [due December 13]                              20%





All grading will be done on the +/ – system.  Any assignment not completed will be counted as a “zero” in calculating the final grade.


Spirit of the Course


For years, the Vietnam War has haunted many Americans, from high government officials, to antiwar protesters, to veterans, to the survivors of those who didn’t make it home. Arguably, the fear of repeating the mistakes of that painful conflict continues to shape US policy makers’ approach to employing military power and limits the options available to them in so doing.  As time passes, passions cool, and the availability of reliable documentation grows, however, we can confront the “ghosts” of Vietnam with greater personal detachment and historical confidence.


In particular, we are better able to place the war in a broader context.  We see, for example, that its origins long predated American involvement, and that the issues at stake – particularly for the Vietnamese – transcended the cold war considerations of Washington, Moscow, and Beijing.  Likewise, we can view the war more clearly through the eyes of various groups – elites in Hanoi, Saigon, Paris, and Washington who directed the conflict; the soldiers who fought it; and the peoples of Southeast Asia who tried to survive it as best they could.  Finally, as ideological fervor dissipates, we can assess more candidly the legacy of the Vietnamese revolution, the motives for US intervention in Vietnam, and the military and political decisions made on all sides of the conflict.


In looking at the Vietnamese conflict, then, we will examine accounts from a variety of perspectives and read across various genres – novels, memoirs, poetry and speeches, as well as scholarly books and articles. I encourage you to be open to the various points of view, but also to be critical in your reading of them.  Keep in mind who the author believes is his or her audience, what points he or she most wants that audience to absorb, and how an author’s biases, preconceptions, or personal experiences may color his or her interpretations of events


It is my hope that you will finish the course with a better understanding of the war and the circumstances that precipitated and sustained it.  But I also hope you gain something more: a rich sense of the “fabric” of Vietnam during this era – a feel for how both soldiers and civilians on all sides lived their daily lives, the tragedies they suffered, and the triumphs they celebrated; an appreciation for the visions, hopes, ideas, and ideologies that intrigued and seduced them; an awareness of the problems and tough decisions that confronted both everyday people and top policy makers; and, perhaps most importantly, a recognition of the contingencies of history and an empathy for the historical actors who struggled with or fell victim to these contingencies.  

 In essence, this course, along with your 497, is the capstone of your academic experience in college.  Most of you will not have the opportunity to engage in this kind of exercise again. Make the most of it by giving the course your full effort and doing the assigned work.  Believe it or not, in later years you’ll appreciate that you did.



Explanation of Requirements


Completion of Assigned Reading

There’s no getting around it – this class will require extensive reading. But, as a senior seminar, it is supposed to. To do well in this course, you will need to complete the reading, but you will also need to have given it some thought.  Read with a pencil in hand – take notes in the margins.  Record terms that are unfamiliar to you or that you don’t understand, points that you find interesting or surprising, arguments with which you strongly agree or disagree, or ideas that connect to things we’ve talked about in previous classes. If I provide study questions, print them, jot down your answers, and bring them to class. Frame your own questions when you come across something you don’t fully understand. Also, read smart by managing your time effectively – don’t read every single word of a book’s first four chapters and nothing thereafter because you ran out of time.


Class Participation

The class will be conducted in a seminar format and therefore will emphasize student interaction and discussion.  Our meetings will be conversations – free, open, and informal exchanges of ideas based on the assigned reading – and I expect everyone to take an active part.  I will do my best to insure each student has ample opportunity to contribute, but, ultimately, it will be up to you to make certain that you remain an active participant rather than a passive observer. Missing class will hurt your participation grade, however in order to receive some credit, you may turn in either a typed 2-page, single-spaced summary of the week’s reading assignment or typed answers to that week’s study questions. You will find that the key to success in this class is attending every session and participating in the discussion. If you do those two things, everything else will become easier.



There will be occasional short quizzes throughout the semester. The quizzes will provide an incentive (and a reward) for completing the reading. If you have done all the reading – or even most of it – you should have no difficulty doing well on the quizzes.  A high quiz average can significantly improve your overall grade. On the other hand, if you don’t keep up with the reading, you can end up with very low quiz scores that will sink your grade even if you do well on the midterm and paper assignments.


Homework and In-class Writing Assignments

In order to help you get the most out of the reading and to prepare you to discuss it in class, there will be occasional homework assignments that you will complete as you do the reading. These will be collected in class. Assignments not turned in will count as a zero, so avoid doing damage to your grade by turning in each assignment on time. There will also be a few in-class writing assignments that will help you to focus your thoughts and express them in a clear, concise manner.


Midterm Examination

The Midterm Examination will consist of 5-7 short essay questions and one or more long essays.  You will have a choice of topics for the long essays.  I will provide a study guide that will help you prepare for the exam. You are responsible for bringing an unmarked blue book to the midterm.


Semester Project

This assignment allows you to become an “expert” on some aspect of the Vietnamese conflict by reading widely in the secondary literature that addresses your subject (mostly journal articles and some book chapters).  You will then report on what historians have had to say about the topic, assess their arguments, and draw some conclusions of your own.  I will ask you to submit an annotated bibliography of the sources you intend to use 2-3 weeks before the assignment is due.  I will also read completed drafts if you submit them at least 5 days before the deadline.


Primary Source Assignment

In keeping with the international emphasis of the course, you will choose a specific event associated with the Vietnamese conflict and analyze how it was covered by at least three different sources – only one of which can be American. The paper should focus on how and why your sources differ in their interpretations of the event.  A more detailed description of the assignment will be handed out in class, however you should expect to write an essay of approximately 5-7 pages.



Surviving History 498…


Getting the Reading Done

Figure out approximately how many pages you can read in an hour and then calculate how many hours it will take you to read each book. (Most History majors read scholarly books at about 20-30 pages an hour. Memoirs and novels usually go faster.)  If you know ahead of time how long it will take to get through a book, you can manage your time more realistically. Don’t put yourself in the position where you’ve read every word of the first three chapters but nothing thereafter because you ran out of time. To help insure you get the reading done, make a commitment to reading 20 pages of the next week’s assignment when you get home from class. Once you’re into a book, it will be easier to keep going. Each day you put off beginning a book makes it less likely you’ll be able to finish it in time for class.  If it’s clear you won’t have enough time to complete a book during a given week, use the study questions to guide your reading. Skim through the book until you come across material that is covered in the questions. Since the study questions focus on the most important parts of the book, if you are able to answer them, you will arrive in class better prepared to participate in the discussion.



Since this class meets only once a week and its success depends on active student participation, it is important – and it is expected – that you will be at every session.  I do take attendance before and after the break. Do not leave at the break and expect to be credited with having attended the entire class.  You cannot participate when you are not present, so each absence will lower your participation grade.


Common Courtesy & Academic Honesty

Since I assume that all of you possess impeccable manners and are of upstanding character, most of this should go without saying, but I put it in writing here so that there will be no misunderstanding.  Please turn off all cell phones and other electronic gadgets while you are in class.  Arrive on time; do not walk out in the middle of class or leave at the break unless it is an emergency or you have spoken to me about it ahead of time.  Do not tell me things that are not true and expect me to believe them.  Do not cheat. Do not plagiarize. If you do so, I will find you out and make your life miserable. (References available upon request.) Please act courteously and professionally. Show some class. It’s part of being an educated person.



I appreciate that many CSUN evening students are stretching themselves quite thin, often working full time while taking classes at night.  If you are feeling overwhelmed, find yourself falling behind, or are having any problems outside of class that are adversely affecting your performance in class, be sure to let me know.  Do not wait until the end of the semester when it will be too late.  I am more than willing to work with you to insure you “survive,” but I need to know you are having difficulties.  You will find that as long as you keep me up to speed, I will be very sympathetic.



Discussion Topics and Assignments


23 August                  Introduction: An explanation of course objectives, mechanics, and procedures.


30 August                  Beyond the Cold War Paradigm” – Race, Culture, Colonial Policy, and the Shaping of Vietnamese-American Relations

                                    Reading: Bradley, Imagining Vietnam and America, pp 1-106


                                    STUDY QUESTIONS


6 September              LABOR DAY



13 September            “August and Everything After” – U.S. Reaction to the Vietnamese Revolution

                                    Reading:  Bradley, Imagining Vietnam and America, pp. 107-end

Duiker, Sacred War, Introduction, Chapter 1




20 September            “Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss…” – The U.S. Replaces the French in Vietnam

                                    Reading:  Mark Atwood Lawrence, “Explaining the Early Decisions: The United States and the French War, 1945-1954”

George C. Herring, “Franco-American Conflict in Indochina, 1950-1954”

Duiker, Sacred War, Chapter 2




27 September            Leper Without a Bell” – The U.S. Enters the Struggle for “Hearts and Minds”

Reading: Burdick and Lederer, The Ugly American


4 October                   “Our Miracle Man in Vietnam” – Washington’s Troubled Relationship with Ngo Dinh Diem

                                    Reading: Jacobs, Cold War Mandarin


                                    STUDY QUESTIONS


11 October                 “To Escalate or Not?  -- LBJ Faces Decisions on the US Mission in Vietnam

                                    Reading:  Gareth Porter, “Explaining the Vietnam War: Dominant and Contending Paradigms”

Fredrik Logevall, “’There Ain’t No Daylight’: Lyndon Johnson and the Politics of Escalation”

David L. Anderson, “The American War in Vietnam: Escalation”

Sandra C Taylor, “Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnamese”




18 October                 MIDTERM EXAMINATION



25 October                 “With Friends Like These….” – Hanoi, China, the USSR, and the NLF

                                    Reading:  Ilya Gaiduk, “The Soviet Union and American Escalation”

                                                      Chen Jian, “China’s Involvement in the Vietnam War”

                                                      Robert K. Brigham, Guerrilla Diplomacy: The NLF’s Foreign Relations and the Vietnam War, Chapter 3




                                    Film:  Vietnam a Television History vol. 3


                                    Optional Reading


                                                      Yang Kuisong, “Changes in Mao Zedong’s Attitude toward the Indochina War, 1949-1973”

                                                      Ilya Gaiduk, “The Vietnam War and Soviet-American Relations, 1964-1973: New Russian Evidence”


                                                      (If you plan to do your secondary source assignment on topics related to China or the USSR, these are both good overviews.)


1 November               NO CLASS


8 November               “The Vietnamese Conflict: A ‘Rice-roots’ Perspective”

                                    Reading: Le Ly Hayslip, When Heaven and Earth Changed Places


                                    STUDY QUESTIONS


15 November             “Vietnam after the Revolution: A ‘Rice-roots’ Perspective”

                                    Reading: Duong Thu Huong, Paradise of the Blind



22 November             “The Second Vietnamese War: The Northern Perspective, 1960-1975”

                                    Reading: Duiker, Sacred War, Chapters 3-6



29 November             “The Second Vietnamese War: The NLF Perspective, 1960-1975”

                                    Reading: Truong Nhu Tang, A Vietcong Memoir


                                    STUDY QUESTIONS



6 December               “How Great The Cost?” – Tet, Peace, and the Legacy of War

                                    Reading: Duiker, Sacred War, Chapter 7

William S. Turley, “Of Lessons and Their Price”

Luu Doan Huynh, “The American War in Vietnamese Memory”