California State University, Northridge - SPED504MM
Final Examination

Please e-mail your responses to this exam by 7-30-01 or bring it to class with you on that day. Respond to each of the following questions multiple choice questions. There is only one correct response to each item. Each question is worth 5 points.

1. According to Stanovich, the instructional approach that is most effective for teaching word recognition skills to children with special needs is

a. explicit instruction.

b. holistic instruction.

c. implicit instruction.

d. interactive instruction.

2. The three tasks to complete when opening a lesson include all of the following EXCEPT

a. connecting the lesson to prior knowledge.

b. gaining the students' attention.

c. introducing the target skill.

d. planning rewards for learning the lesson.

3. The recommended success level during independent practice is

a. 50%.

b. 60-75%.

c. 80-90%.

d. 90-100%.

4. All of the following are competencies for giving feedback EXCEPT

a. give frequent positive feedback for student success.

b. ignore careless errors.

c. praise students for error correction.

d. reteach when a student answers incorrectly due to lack of knowledge.

5. All of the following are competencies for fostering independence EXCEPT

a. allow ample time to reach mastery.

b. discourage generalization.

c. model being a learner.

d. teach effective study skills.

6. Guidelines for planning and establishing rules for classrooms include all of the following EXCEPT

a. determine consistent consequences for rule fulfillment or infraction.

b. include school rules within class rules.

c. state rules both positively and negatively.

d. tailor rules to individual classroom goals and to individual teaching styles.

7. In the SLANT mnemonic, which is helpful in teaching behavioral expectations for teacher lectures, the N stands for

a. need to track the teacher.

b. nice behavior during lectures.

c. nod occasionally to signal understanding.

d. notice what the teacher is doing.

8. All of the following are accommodations that can be used to enhance students' performance EXCEPT

a. encourage independent note taking.

b. encourage use of assignment books or calendars.

c. organize material into a visual format.

d. provide an outline of the lecture.

9. Learning based on the assumption that learners connect prior knowledge with new knowledge to construct meaning is

a. authentic learning.

b. generalized learning.

c. integrated learning.

d. unit learning.

10. One of the primary techniques for fostering teacher reflections is

a. inservice training.

b. journal writing.

c. peer counseling.

d. teacher conferences.

11. The sociometric technique in which students are asked to nominate or rate peers on several behavioral characteristics is in the category called

a. peer assessment.

b. peer nominations.

c. peer ratings.

d. sociograms.

12. Educators agree that effective behavior management must begin with preventive techniques and that these techniques start with

a. behavioral assessment.

b. classroom rules.

c. good teaching.

d. parent-teacher conferences.

13. The statement that behavior is learned and is a function of that behavior's consequences is the basic premise of

a. behavior modification.

b. classroom rules.

c. cooperative learning.

d. self-management.

14. Tangible reinforcers such as food, pencils, and certificates are examples of

a. extrinsic reinforcers.

b. intrinsic reinforcers.

c. primary reinforcers.

d. token reinforcers.

15. All of the following are suggestions for managing consequences with adolescents EXCEPT

a. stress natural consequences of behavior.

b. use peer interactions as reinforcers.

c. use public reprimands.

d. use time out as a consequence.

16. Most of the research on social-skills training has focused on

a. employment settings.

b. long-term interventions.

c. recreation settings.

d. short-term outcomes.

17. Reality therapy, which is used to manage behaviors by teaching students to behave responsibly, was developed by

a. Dinkmeyer.

b. Glasser.

c. Morse.

d. Sprick.

18. Role playing and puppetry are two

a. attribution retraining techniques.

b. life-space interviewing techniques.

c. projective techniques.

d. techniques for improving mood states.

19. Kameenui et al. note that there are three levels of intervention needed for managing mild to severe behavioral problems and that the percentage of students who respond to routine instructional management at the first level of intervention for mild behavioral problems is

a. 50%.

b. 60%.

c. 70%.

d. 80%.

20. Sprick's guidelines for using punishment effectively include all of the following EXCEPT

a. always treat students with respect.

b. establish punishment for as few behaviors as possible.

c. implement punishment with a concurrent plan of negative reinforcement.

d. specify acceptable and unacceptable behavior.