CSUN  Wordmark
Page Description

The following page is a three column layout with a header that contains a quicklinks jump menu and the search CSUN function. Page sections are identified with headers. The footer contains update, contact and emergency information.

Moving Forward with Intention I - March 8, 2006


Web-based Resources for Program Review and Prioritization - A Sampler

Carroll College (Waukesha, WI) http://www.carrollu.edu/alumni/
Drake Universtiy www.drake.edu/artsci/drakeprogrev
Franklin Pierce College (Rindge, NH) http://www.franklinpierce.edu/
Northwestern Michigan College www.nmc.edu/assessment
Southern Utah University www.suu.edu/ad/provost/ap/
University of Arizona www.stthomas.edu/committees/acpriorities/Schwarz
University of Detroit Mercy * www.udmercy.edu
University of Nebraska Lincoln www.unl.edu/svcaa/prioritization.html
University of Nevada Reno www.unr.edu/planning
Univeristy of Pittsburgh www.pitt.edu/HOME/PP/procedures/01/01-04-04.html

Search Tip:
Try "college program prioritization" or "program Prioritization" using Yahoo. These two searches will lead to a variety of sites and applications.