Fall, 2014 – MGT 462

Written analysis #2

Find an article about an ethical dilemma Wal-Mart management faced. For that ethical dilemma, describe the following:

  1. What ethical choices did managers face?
  2. What moral choices did managers face?
  3. What public policy choices did managers face?
  4. What legal choices did managers face?
  5. "What Would Drucker Do Now" given the dilemma described in the article?

Submit a paper that is a maximum of 4 pages single-sided, double-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins all around. Citations of any materials you referenced and used in your analysis are required. Citations can be on a 5th page (i.e. citations are not restrictied to fitting within the four pages of prose). Any exhibits/attachments/etc. also can go beyond the page limit.

Due date: Tuesday, December 16, 5 pm, as an email attachment to me at mediumcoolprofessor@gmail.com.