Ph.D. Geology, 1989,  University of California, Los Angeles. 

            Thesis title: The petrology, provenance, and diagenesis of arc‑related sands recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project on circum‑Pacific, Mediterranean, and Caribbean legs (advisor: Dr. Raymond V. Ingersoll)

M.S. Geology, 1982, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana. 

            Thesis title: Petrography, provenance, and diagenesis of the Basal Salina Formation (Lower Eocene) Northwest Peru (advisor: Dr. Albert V. Carozzi)

B.S. Geology, 1979, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana.

                        Thesis title: A statistical and chemical study of inclusion patterns in garnets from the Morar area of Scotland (advisor: Dr. David E. Anderson)



Student co-authors italicized.

Pavia, J., Marsaglia, K.M., and Fitzpatrick, S.M., (reviewed/revising) Petrography of Caribbean sherd tempers and implications for the Precolumbian settlement of Carriacou, West Indies: Geoarchaeology.

Marsaglia, K.M., Martin, C.E., Kautz, C.Q., Shapiro, S.A., and Carter, L., (reviewed/revising), Unusual origin of a Late Miocene-Pliocene hiatus in the deep-sea Bounty Fan off South Island, New Zealand: invited submission (March 2010) to Geosphere, Themed issue: Marine Geology in 2010: The State of the Art and New Directions, Fildani, A., Piper, D.J.W., and Scholl, D., eds.

Marsaglia, K.M., (in press) Sedimentation at Plate Boundaries in Transition: Recent Advances in the Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins, Busby, C. and Pérez, A., eds., Blackwell.

Fulthorpe, C. et al. including Marsaglia, K.M., (in press) Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 317 Canterbury Basin, Preliminary Report.

Jacobson, C.E., Grove, M., Pedrick, J.N., Barth, A.P., Marsaglia, K.M., Gehrels, G.E., and Nourse, J.A., (in press), Late Cretaceous-early Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the southern California margin inferred from provenance of trench and forearc sediments: Geological Society of America Bulletin.

Expedition 320T Scientists including Marsaglia, K.M., 2009, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 320T Preliminary Report: USIO Sea Trials and Assessment of Readiness Transit (START): Ontong Java Plateau, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, doi:10.2204/iodp.pr.320T.2009

Marsaglia, K.M., DeVaughn, A.M., James, D.E., and Marden, M., 2010, Provenance of fluvial terrace sediments within the Waipaoa sedimentary system and their importance to New Zealand source-to-sink studies: Marine Geology, v. 270, p. 84-93.

Fitzpatrick, S.M., Kappers, M., Kaye, Q., Giovas, C.M., LeFebvre, M.J., Harris, M.H., Burnett, S., Pavia, J., Marsaglia, K.M., Feathers, J., 2009, Precolumbian settlements on Carriacou, West Indies: Journal of Field Archaeology, v. 34, p. 247-266.

Fitzpatrick, S.M., Kaye, Q., Feathers, J., Pavia, J., Marsaglia, K.M., 2009, Evidence for inter-island transport of heirlooms: luminescence dating and petrographic analysis of ceramic inhaling bowls from Carriacou, West Indies: Journal of Archaeological Science, v. 36, p. 596-606.

Fitzpatrick, S.M., Carstensen, J., Marsaglia, K.M., Descantes, C., Glascock, M., Kaye, Q., and Kappers, M., 2008, Preliminary petrographic and chemical analysis of prehistoric ceramics from Carriacou, West Indies, Journal of Caribbean Archaeology, Special Publication 2, An Exploratory Study into the Chemical Characterization of Caribbean Ceramics p. 59-82.

Hiscott, R.N., Marsaglia, K.M., Wilson, R.C., Robertson, A.H.F., Karner, G.D., Tucholke, B., Pletsch, T., and Petschick, R., 2008, Detrital sources and sediment delivery to the early post-rift (Albian-Cenomanian) Newfoundland Basin east of the Grand Banks: results from ODP Leg 210, Bull. Can. Petrol. Geol., v. 56, p. 69-92.

Gleason, J.D., Finney, S.C., Peralta, S.H., Gehrels, G.E., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2007, Zircon and whole rock Nd-Pb isotopic provenance of Middle and Upper Ordovician siliciclastic rocks, Argentine Precordillera, Sedimentology, v. 54, p. 107-136.

Marsaglia, K.M., Carstensen, J., and Maloney, S., 2007, Petrology and provenance of Eocene-Albian sandstones and grainstones recovered during ODP Leg 210: Implications for passive margin (rift-to-drift) sandstone provenance models: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v.210. [online] www.odp.tamu.edu/publications/210_SR/210TOC.HTM

James, D.E., DeVaughn, A.M., and Marsaglia, K.M., 2007, Sand and gravel provenance in the Waipaoa River System: Sedimentary recycling in an actively deforming forearc basin, North Island, New Zealand: Special Paper Geological Society of America v. 420, Sedimentary provenance and petrogenesis: Perspectives from petrography and geochemistry: J. Arribas et al., eds., 253-276.

Shapiro, S.A., Marsaglia, K.M., and Carter, L., 2007, The petrology and provenance of sand in the Bounty Submarine Fan, New Zealand: Geological Society of America Special Paper 420, Sedimentary provenance and petrogenesis: Perspectives from petrography and geochemistry: J. Arribas et al., eds., p. 277-296.

Marsaglia, K.M. Davis, A.S., Rimkus, K., Clague, D,A., 2006, Evidence for interaction of a spreading ridge with the outer California borderland: Marine Geology, v. 229, p. 259-272.

Fontilea, K. and Marsaglia, K.M., and Dean, N., 2006, A petrological and geochemical study of Cretaceous siliceous rocks from Shatsky Rise: Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results, v. 198. www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/198_SR/107/107.htm

Gadley, K. and Marsaglia, K.M., 2005, Petrography and correlation of Cenozoic ash layers recovered on Shatsky Rise, ODP Leg 198: Ocean Drilling Program Scientific Results, v. 198. www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/198_SR/108/108.htm

Marsaglia, K.M., 2005, Sedimentology, petrology, and volcanology of the lower Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE1a), Shatsky Rise, north-central Pacific Ocean. In Bralower, T.J., Premoli Silva, I., and Malone, M.J. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 198 [Online]. http://wwwodp.tamu.edu/publications/198_SR/109/109.htm.

Tucholke, B.E., Sibuet, J.-C., Klaus, A., and the Leg 210 Scientific Party (includes Marsaglia), 2004,  Margins of the Newfoundland-Iberia rift: ODP Leg 210 explores the Newfoundland Basin: JOIDES Journal, v. 30, no. 1, p. 20-24.

Marsaglia, K.M., Fukusawa, H., Cornell, W.C., Skilbeck, C.G., Meyers, P.A., Prasad, M., and Klaus, A.; 2004, Eustatic signals in deep-marine sedimentary sequences recovered at ODP Site 978, Alboran Basin, western Mediterranean Sea: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74, p. 378-390.

Tucholke, B.E., Sibuet, J.-C., Klaus, A., and the Leg 210 Scientific Party (includes Marsaglia), 2004, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, Volume 210, {CD-ROM}. Available from: Ocean Drilling Program, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77845-9547 USA. (also online at http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications)

Marsaglia, K.M., Fukusawa, H., Cornell, W.C., Skilbeck, C.G., Meyers, P.A., Prasad, M., and Klaus, A, 2004, Eustatic signals in deep-marine sedimentary sequences recovered at ODP Site 978, Alboran Basin, western Mediterranean Sea, Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 74, p. 378-390.

Brassell, S.C., Dumitescu, M., and the ODP Leg 198 Shipboard Scientific Party (includes Marsaglia), 2004, Recognition of alkenones in a lower Aptian porcellanite from the west-central Pacific: Organic Geochemistry, v. 35, p. 181-188.

Marsaglia, K.M., 2004, Sandstone detrital modes support Magdalena fan displacement from mouth of Gulf of California: Geology, v. 32, p. 45-48.

Critelli, S., Arribas, J., La Pera, E., Tortosa, A., Marsaglia, K.M., and Latter, K.K., 2003, The recycled orogenic provenance sand suite from an uplifted thrust-belt, Betic cordillera, southern Spain and the Alboran  Basin: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 73, p. 72-81.

Marsaglia, K.M., 2003, Biography and citation for Dr. Albert V. Carozzi, Distinguished Educator Award, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 87, p. 1052-1053.

Marsaglia, K.M., 2002, The Mesoproterozoic section in the Franklin Mountains: Correlation and regional tectonic implications for a southern Arizona-west Texas extensional corridor (SAWTEC): in F. A. Corsetti, ed., Proterozoic-Cambrian of the Great Basin and Beyond, Pacific Section SEPM Book 93, p. 165-186.

Bralower, T., Primoli-Silva, I., and Leg 198 Shipboard Scientists (includes Marsaglia), 2002, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 198, Initial Reports, Shatsky Rise: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program).

Bralower, T., Primoli-Silva, I., Malone, M.J., and the Leg 198 Scientific Party (includes Marsaglia), 2002, ODP leg 198: New evidence for rapid climate change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene from the Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean: JOIDES Journal, v. 28, no. 2, p. 13-17.

Bralower, T.J., Premoli-Silva, I., Malone, M.J., and the Scientific participants of Leg 198 (includes Marsaglia),  2002, New evidence for abrupt climate change in the Cretaceous and Paleogene: An Ocean Drilling Program expedition to Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific: GSA Today, v. 12, p.4-10.

Critelli, S., Marsaglia, K.M., and Busby, C.J., 2002, Tectonic history of a Jurassic backarc-basin sequence (the Gran Canon formation, Cedros Island, Mexico), based on compositional modes of tuffaceous deposits: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 114, p. 515-527.

Marsaglia, K.M., 2001, Citation for Laurence L. Sloss Award, presented to George D. Klein: GSA Today, v. 11, #2, p. 47.

Navarette, R.C., Dearing, H.L, Constien, V.G., Marsaglia, K.M., Seheult, J.M., and Rogers, P.E., 2000, Experiments in fluid loss and formation damage with xanthan-based fluids while drilling.  IADC/SPE contribution 62732, Asia Pacific Drilling Technology Conference, 20 p.

Marsaglia, K.M., Mann, P., Hyatt, R., and Olson, H., 1999, Evaluating the influence of aseismic ridge subduction and accretion(?) on the detrital modes of forearc sandstone: An example from the Kronotsky Peninsula, Kamchatka forearc: Lithos, v. 46, p. 17-42.

Marsaglia, K.M., and Tribble, J., 1999,  The evaporite to carbonate transition in the uppermost Messinian section at ODP Site 975, Western Mediterranean Sea: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 161, p. 3-20.

Marsaglia, K.M., Latter, K., and Cline, V., 1999, Sand provenance in the Alboran and Tyrrhenian Basins: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 161, p. 37-56.

Marsaglia, K. (1999) Some pointers on point-count analysis: TechNotes, Westport Technology Center International, p. 3.

Welch, J., Brown, S., Marsaglia, K., and Mese, A., 1999, Isolation of depleted zones while coil tubing drilling a horizontal sidetrack: PNEC Fifth International Conference on Reservoir Conformance, 21 p.

Bartolini, C., and Marsaglia, K.M., 1996, Mesozoic intra-arc volcanic-sedimentary sequences (Nazas Formation) in northern Durango, Mexico: A geological traverse through parts of northwestern Mexico, Guidebook for the 1996 Field Conference, Clark, K.F. and Hoffer, J.M., eds., p. 111-118.

Comas, M., Zahn, R., Klaus, A. and others (includes Marsaglia), 1996, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 161, Initial Reports, Western Mediterranean: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program),  1023 p.

Comas, M.C., Zahn, R., Klaus, A., and ODP Leg 161 Scientific Party, 1996, Las perforaciones del ODP-Leg 161 en el Mediterráneo Occidental: Geogaceta, v. 20, p. 408-411.

Marsaglia, K.M., Garcia y Barragán, J.C., Padilla, I., and Milliken, K.L., 1996, Evolution of the Iberian passive margin as reflected in sand provenance: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 149, p. 269-280.

Ingersoll, R.V., Devaney, K.A., Geslin, J.K., Cavazza, W., Diamond, D.S., Jagiello, K.J., Marsaglia, K.M., Paylor, E.D., II, and Short, P.F., 1996, The Mud Hills, Mojave Desert, California: Structure, stratigraphy and sedimentology of a rapidly extended terrane: Geological Society of America Special Paper, K. Beratan and J. Schmitt, eds.

ODP Legs 160 and 161 Scientific Party, 1996, Drilling Probes Mediterranean Climate and Oceanography. Eos, v. 77, p. 19-22.

Platt, J.P., Soto, J.I., Comas, M.C., and Leg 161 Shipboard Scientists, 1996, Decompression and high temperature-low-pressure metamorphism in the exhumed floor of an extension basin, Alboran Sea, western Mediterranean: Geology, v. 24, p. 447-450.

Marsaglia, K.M., Rimkus, K.C., and Behl, R.J.,1995, Provenance of sand deposited in the Santa Barbara Basin at ODP Site 893 during the last 155ka. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 146, p. 61-75.

Brown, K.M., Bangs, N., Marsaglia, K., Froleich, P.N., Zheng, Y., Didyk, B.M., Prior, D., Rochford, E.L., Torres, M., Kurnosov, V.B., Lindsley-Griffin, N., Osozawa, S., and Waseda, A., 1995, A summary of ODP Leg 141 hydrogeologic, geochemical, and thermal results: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 141, p. 363-372.

Marsaglia, K.M., 1995, Chapter 8, Interarc and backarc basins, in Busby, C. and Ingersoll R.V., eds., Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins, Blackwell, p. 299-329.

Marsaglia, K.M., and Devaney, K.A., 1995, Tectonic and magmatic controls on backarc basin sedimentation: The Mariana Region re-examined: in Taylor, B., ed., Backarc Basins: Tectonics and Magmatism, Plenum, New York, p.497-520.

Marsaglia, K.M., Boggs, S., Clift, P., Seyedolali, A., and Smith, R., 1995, Sedimentation in western Pacific backarc basins: New insights from recent ODP drilling: in Taylor, B., and Natland, J., eds., Active margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific, American Geophysical Union Monograph, v. 88, p. 291-314.

Marsaglia, K.M., Torrez, X., Padilla, I., and Rimkus, K., 1995, Provenance of Pleistocene and Pliocene sand and sandstone, ODP Leg 141, Chile Margin: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 141, 133-151.

Pavlis, T.L., Underwood, M., Sisson, V.B., Serpa, L.F., Prior, D., Marsaglia, K.M., Lewis, S.D., and Byrne, T., 1995, The effects of triple junction interactions at convergent plate margins. Report on the results of the joint JOI/USSAC and GSA Penrose conference, 44p.

Prior, D.J., Marsaglia, K.M., Rochford, E.L., Agar, S.M., and Coy, G., 1995, Textural evidence of diagenetic evolution at Site 863, Chile Triple Junction: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 141, 153-167.

Strand, K., Marsaglia, K., Forsythe, R., Kurnosov, V., and Vergara, H., 1995, Outer margin depositional systems near the Chile Margin Triple Junction: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 141, p. 379-397.

Torres, M., Marsaglia, K.M., Martin, J., and Murray, R., 1995, Fluid-rock interaction and sediment diagenesis in Western Pacific Basins: in Taylor, B., and Natland, J., eds., Active margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific, American Geophysical Union Monograph, v. 88, p. 241-258.

Underwood, M.B., Ballance, P.F., Clift, P., Hiscott, R.N., Marsaglia, K.M., Pickering, K.T., and Reid, R.P., 1995,  Sedimentation in forearc basins, trenches, and collision zones of the western Pacific: A summary of results from the Ocean Drilling Program: in Taylor, B., and Natland, J., eds., Active margins and marginal basins of the western Pacific, American Geophysical Union Monograph, v. 88, p. 315-353.

Behrmann, J.H., Lewis, S.D., Cande, S.C., and the ODP Leg 141 Scientific Party, 1994, Tectonics and geology of spreading ridge subduction at the Chile Triple Junction; a synthesis of results from Leg 141 of the Ocean Drilling Program: Geologische Rundschau, v. 83, p. 832-852.

Marsaglia, K.M., Borrego, P.F., Long, L.E., Keller, G.R., and Pingitore, N.E., 1994, Metamorphic petrology of the Ouachita Interior Zone: Findings from a deep drill hole in west Texas: Structure and tectonics of the Big Bend and southern Permian Basin, Texas.  West Texas Geological Society Publication 94-95, p. 149-154.

ODP Leg 149 Scientific Party, 1994, Drilling at the West Iberian Ocean-Continent Transition: Geotimes, March, p. 18-21.

Pittenger, M.A., Marsaglia, K.M., and Bickford, M.E., 1994, Depositional history of the Middle Proterozoic Castner Marble and Basal Mundy Breccia, Franklin Mountains, West Texas: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. B64, p. 282-297.

Sawyer, D.S., Whitmarsh, R.B., Klaus, A., and others (including K. Marsaglia), 1994, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 149, Initial Reports, Iberia Abyssal Plain: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 719 p.

Whitmarsh, B., Sawyer, D.S., and ODP Leg 149 Scientific Party, 1994, Upper mantle drilling in the ocean-continent transition west of Iberia: Terra Nova, v. 5, p. 327-331.

Marsaglia, K.M., 1993, Basaltic Island Sand Provenance, in Johnsson, M.J., and Basu, A., eds., Processes controlling the composition of clastic sediments: Geological Society of America Special Paper 284, p.41-65.

Marsaglia, K.M., and Ingersoll, R.V., 1992, Compositional trends in arc-related, deep-marine sand and sandstone: a reassessment of magmatic-arc provenance: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 104, p. 1637-1649.

Marsaglia, K.M., Ingersoll, R.V., and Packer, B.M., 1992, Tectonic evolution of the Japanese islands as reflected in modal compositions of Cenozoic forearc and backarc sand and sandstone: Tectonics, v. 11, p. 1028-1044.

Marsaglia, K.M., and Tazaki, K., 1992, Diagenetic trends in Leg 126 sandstones: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 126, p. 125-138.

Marsaglia, K.M., 1992, Petrography and provenance of volcaniclastic sands recovered from the Izu-Bonin arc, Leg 126: Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results, v. 126, p. 139-154.

Lewis, S., Berhmann, J.H., and others (including K. Marsaglia), 1992, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 141, Initial Reports, Chile triple junction: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 708 p.

ODP Leg 141 Scientific Party, 1992, Geology and tectonics of the Chile Triple Junction: EOS, v. 73, #38, p. 404-410.

ODP Leg 141 Scientific Party, 1992, Ocean drilling yields surprises at the Chile Triple Junction: Geotimes, v.37, p.19-21.

Anthony, E.Y., Chen, W., Hoffer, J.M., Keller, G.R., Marsaglia, K.M., McLemore, V.T., Seward, M.A., Barnes, C.G., Shannon. W.M., Seeley, J.M., and Thomann, W.F., 1991, Examples of modern rift volcanism and Proterozoic anorogenic magmatism: the Potrillo Volcanic Field of southern New Mexico and the Franklin Mountains of west Texas: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Bulletin, v. 137, p. 1-20.

Nishimura, A., Marsaglia, K.M., Rodolfo, K.S., Colella, A., Hiscott, R.N., Tazaki, K., Gill, J.B., Janecek, T., Firth, J., Isiminger-Kelso, M., Herman, Y., Taylor, R.N., Taylor, B., Fujioka, K., and Leg 126 Scientific Party, 1991, Pliocene-Quaternary submarine pumice deposits in the Sumisu Rift area, Izu-Bonin Arc: in R.V. Fisher and G.A. Smith (eds.), Sedimentation in Volcanic Settings, SEPM Special Publication 45, p. 201-208.

Marsaglia, K.M., 1991, Provenance of sands and sandstones from the Gulf of California, a rifted continental arc: in R.V. Fisher and G.A. Smith (eds.), Sedimentation in Volcanic Settings, SEPM Special Publication 45, p. 237-248.

Gill, J., Torssander, P., Lapierre, H., Taylor, R., Kaiho, K., Koyama, M., Kusakabe, M., Aitchison, J., Cisowski, S., Dadey, K., Fujioka, K., Klaus, A., Lovell, M., Marsaglia, K., Pezard, P., Taylor, B., and Tazaki, K., 1990, Explosive deep water basalt in the Sumisu backarc rift: Science, v. 248, p. 1214-1217.

Egeberg P.K., & the Leg 126 Shipboard Scientific Party, 1990, unusual composition of pore waters found in the Izu-Bonin fore-arc sedimentary basin: Nature, v. 344, p. 215-218.

Marsaglia, K.M., and Carozzi, A.V., 1990, Depositional environment, sand-provenance and diagenesis of the Basal Salina Formation, lower Eocene, Northwest Peru: Journal of South American Earth Science, v. 3, p. 253-267.

Pezard, P., Lovell, M., and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 126 Shipboard Scientific Party, 1990, Downhole images:  electrical scanning reveals the nature of subsurface oceanic crust:  EOS v. 71, No. 20, p. 709.

Taylor, B., Fujioka, K., and others (including Marsaglia), 1990, Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports Volume 126, Sites 787-793, Bonin Arc-trench System: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 1,002 p.

Leg 126 Scientific Drilling Party, 1989, ODP Leg drills the Izu-Bonin arc: Geotimes, October, p. 36-38.

Leg 126 Shipboard Scientific Party, 1989, Arc volcanism and rifting:  Nature, v. 342 p. 18-20.

Klein, G.deV., and K.M. Marsaglia, 1987, Discussion: Hummocky cross-stratification, tropical hurricanes and intense winter storms:  Sedimentology, v. 34, p. 333-337.

Marsaglia, K.M., and G.deV. Klein, 1985, The paleogeography of Paleozoic and Mesozoic storm depositional systems: a reply:  Journal of Geology, v. 93, p. 91-94.

Marsaglia, K.M., and G.deV. Klein, 1983,  The paleogeography of Paleozoic and Mesozoic storm depositional systems: Journal of Geology, v. 91, p. 117-142.




Carrie Bender, M.S., (in progress)

Thesis topic: Provenance and sequence stratigraphic significance of sand and sandstone intervals recovered on IODP Expedition 317, Canterbury margin of South Island, New Zealand


David Carson, M.S. (in progress)

Thesis topic: Petrology and seismic stratigraphic significance of carbonate cemented sandstone recovered on IODP Expedition, Canterbury margin of South Island, New Zealand


Adewale Adedeji, M.S., 2010 (in progress)

Thesis topic: Petrology and provenance of sandy sediments recovered in long piston cores off North Island, New Zealand


Joe Carrasco, M.S., 2010 (in progress)

Thesis topic: Sedimentology of Redpath Paleolake, North Island  New Zealand)


Kimberly Kramer, M.S., 2010 (in progress)

Thesis topic: Provenance of Hiri trade temper, New Guinea


Julie Parra, M.S., 2010

Sand provenance of Poverty Shelf, North Island, New Zealand


Kevin Rivera, M.S., 2010

Characteristics of Miocene to Pliocene sandy units in the Hikurangi forearc, North Island, New Zealand


Jennifer Pavia, M.S., 2009

Petrography and provenance of sand temper within ceramic sherds from Carriacou, Southern Grenadines, West Indies


Jean Rains M.S., 2009

The stratigraphic and petrologic record of subduction initiation in the Permian sequence of the El Paso Mountains, Kern County, California


Alissa DeVaughn, M.S, 2005

Sand and gravel provenance of the Te Arai River, Waipaoa River, and associated Quaternary alluvial terrace deposits, North Island, New Zealand


Kristin Fontilea (Kasen) M.S., 2005

A petrological and geochemical study of Cretaceous siliceous rocks from the Shatsky Rise


Kyle Gadley, M.S., 2005

Petrography and correlation of Cenozoic ash layers recovered on Shatsky Rise ODP Leg 198


Shawn Shapiro, M.S., 2004

Sand Provenance of the Bounty Submarine Fan off the Eastern Coast of South Island, New Zealand


Dawn James, M.S., 2003

Sand provenance in the Waipaoa River System, North Island, New Zealand