South Central Women's Studies Association

The South Central Women's Studies Association is issuing a
CALL FOR PAPERS, for its Annual Conference.
The South Central area includes the states of Texas, Oklahoma
Arkansas and Louisiana, however, all participants are invited
to participate.
The 1996 Annual Conference of the SCWSA will be held in Norman,
Oklahoma at and will be sponsored by Women's Studies at the
University of Oklahoma.
In addition to sponsoring the conference the OU Women's
Studies Program is celebrating its 20th Birthday during
March 1996. You all are invited to celebrate with us.


THEME: Celebrating Difference/Exploring Commonality:
Women's Studies in the '90s
DATE: Mrch 29-30, 1996
Panel proposals or papers on the theme of Celebrating Difference/
Exploring Commonality: Women's Studies in the '90s:
Women's Studies in the '90s applied to anthropology, pedagogy,
law, medicine, science, literature, art, music, communication,
history, sociology, or other relevant topics.
250 word abstracts/panel proposals (in English) including name(s)
of organizer/author (please include all participants for panel
proposals); mailing addresses for all; phone numbers for all;
professional/institutional affiliation; title/position/autio-
audio-visual needs.
DEADLINE: December 2, 1995 (Notification of acceptance by
January 15, 1996)
SEND TO: Dr. Betty J. Harris, Director, Women's Studies Program,
528 Physical Sciences Center, University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019 (405)325-3481, E-mail AA0383@UOKMVSA.bitnet
FAX (405) 325-5068