Public Culture

Public Culture
Society for Transnational Cultural Studies


Submissions from 500 to 7500 words will be considered for publication. In addition to original essays, Public Culture welcomes photoessays and artwork, announcements of collective intellectual projects, submissions of materials for reprinting in the Genealogy and Miscellany sections, short essays for the Etymology section, and short review essays. Public Culture does not review individual books. (Please see the entries "Calls for Papers" and "Calls for Photoessays.")


1. STYLE. We ask authors to refer to the guidelines of the Chicago Manual of Style. Both British and American spellings, and combinations of the two, will be respected; spellings should, however, be consistent within an article.

2. FORMAT. Manuscripts should be submitted in TRIPLICATE, DOUBLE-SPACED throughout, including ENDNOTES. A double-spaced list of "LITERATURE CITED" should be attached, as well as a short "BIO" on a separate sheet, stating the author's institutional affiliation, relevant recent publications, and current research. Please do not use running headers. If you wish us to return your manuscript, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

3. ILLUSTRATIONS. Any photographs or illustrations must be submitted in camera-ready copy of good quality. 8 x 10 glossy black-and-white photographs strongly preferred. Photocopies of photographs are usually not acceptable. Please provide, on a separate page, a CAPTION for each illustration. All photographs will be returned to authors after review or publication.

4. PERMISSIONS. The author is responsible for obtaining written permission to reprint any illustrations. Please consult the editorial office if you have questions about whether permission is needed.

5. PRESS RELEASE. Authors of manuscripts accepted for publication will be asked to provide a very short paragraph summarizing the essay, for use in press releases. (Please see guidelines for press releases.)


Groups of essays on a single topic or theme may be considered for publication in a special issue or special feature of Public Culture. Please submit all papers together, following the guidelines above, plus:

1. A short (one page) description of the common intellectual project of the group of papers.

2. A list of the titles of the papers, their authors, authors' names and addresses.

3. A very short (250 words) abstract of each paper.


Public Culture welcomes submissions of original photoessays or other visual essays, with or without an accompanying text.

1. CAMERA-READY COPY: Please submit camera-ready copy in black-and-white. For photographs, 8x10 black-and-white glossy prints are strongly preferred.

2. LAYOUT. Artists submitting visual essays should bear in mind that all essays will begin on a recto (right-hand) page. Final decisions regarding layout will rest with the Editor.

3. PUBLIC CULTURE'S SPECS: A page of Public Culture measures 7 x 8-1/2 inches. Typefaces used in the production of the journal include: China Smallcaps, Gill Sans Bold Condensed, and Times Roman. If more information is needed, please consult the editorial office.


The Editor
Public Culture
1010 East 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637, USA

(312) 702-0814
(312) 702-5660
Fax (312) 702-9861


Essays accepted for publication will generally be published within eight months of receipt. Thus, for example, an essay submitted for consideration in February and accepted for publication after peer review would generally appear in the Fall issue. This schedule is somewhat flexible, however, and subject to various contingencies. If you have a particular concern about timing, please consult the editorial office.