
Kairos: A Journal For Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments

Kairos is a true hypertext journal: it explores all aspects of the pedagogical and scholarly uses of hypertexts, and is written in hypertextual format. This new hypertext journal is designed to serve as a resource for teachers, researchers, and tutors of writing at the college and university level, including: Technical Writing, Business Writing, Professional Communication, Creative Writing, Composition, and Literature. Therefore, we are calling for hypertexts addressing the following:

* theoretical essays designed to help ground practice in pedagogical theory and vice-versa;
* empirical research reports conducted in and related to the networked writing classrooms;
* editorials from teachers regarding past experiences;
* sample syllabi, with notes and commentary from the teachers and students;
* commentary and reviews of on resources, including websites, M**spaces, listservs, newsgroups and print resources;
* reviews of pertinent software;
* examinations and translations of previously linear texts into hypertexts
(e.g. Deluze and Gutarri's _Mille Plateau_ and Lyotard's _The PostModern Condition_).

(If you are a novice with hypertext, we can help you--don't let that keep you from submitting.)


Questions? Inquiries? Please address them to Elizabeth Pass at:

*****Inquiries are due by October 1, 1995*****

*****Submissions are due by November 1, 1995:
(Any hypertext not in final form by December 15, 1995, cannot be considered for the January 1996 issue.)
Please check the URL for links, text, and submission requirements*****

Kairos Editorial Staff:

Mick Doherty, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Editor and Publisher (doherm@rpi.edu)

Elizabeth Pass, Texas Tech University
Assistant Editor (ngpas@ttacs.ttu.edu)

Michael J. Salvo, State University of New York at Binghamton
Managing Editor (salvo@bingsuns.cc.binghamton.edu)

Jason Teague, IBM/Research Triangle
Graphics Editor (teaguj@rpi.edu)

Amy Hanson, Texas Tech University
Chief Copy Editor (ykfam@ttacs.ttu.edu)

Greg Siering, Ball State University
Links Editor (00gjsiering@bsuvc.bsu.edu)

Corey Wick, North Dakota State University
Production Manager (cwick@badlands.nodak.edu)

Kairos Editorial Review Board (all submissions to Kairos will be interactively peer reviewed):

Wayne Butler, University of Michigan (wbutler@umich.edu)
Christine Boese, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (boesec@rpi.edu)
Eric Crump, University of Missouri (wleric@showme.missouri.edu)
Dean Fontenot, Texas Tech University (gjdhf@ttacs.ttu.edu)
Jeff Galin, University of Pittsburgh (galin+@pitt.edu)
Amy Hanson, Texas Tech University (ykfam@ttacs.ttu.edu)
Bill Hart-Davidson, Purdue University (davidswf@sage.cc.purdue.edu)
Lee Honeycutt, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute (honeyl@rpi.edu)
Steve Krause, Bowling Green State University (skrause@bgnet.bgsu.edu)
Lorrie LeJeune, O'Reilly Associates (lorrie@ora.com)
Rebecca Rickly, University of Michigan (becky.rickly@umich.edu)
Richard Selfe, Michigan Technological University (rselfe@mtu.edu)
Elizabeth Overman Smith, Auburn University (smitheo@mail.auburn.edu)

Kairos is a subsidiary of the D'Artagnan Communications Group sponsored by the Alliance for Computers and Writing.

Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 22:58:25 -0600 From: ELIZABETH PASS <ngpas@ttacs.ttu.edu> Subject: CORRECTION: Kairos Journal URL

The correct URL for the _Kairos_ homepage is:

There have been some loading difficulties with the Rensselaer webserver recently. We appreciate your patience!

Elizabeth Pass, Assistant Editor