Questions/Topics for Specific Cases
BUS 497A, Fall 2009
Rex C. Mitchell, Ph.D.

The following questions and topics are offered to help you know what to include in a case brief or to emphasize in preparing for discussions of specific cases. You do not have to turn in anything, unless you are writing a brief on the case or an other assignment is announced, but you should have good notes to talk from. For every case, you should (in addition to the case-specific topics given later):


In addition to the basic topics above, you should consider and have notes on the following:

  1. Do a financial analysis with conclusions.


In addition to the basic topics above, you should consider and have notes on the following:

  1. What was their strategy earlier?
  2. What is their current strategy?
  3. What should be their strategy going forward?


In addition to the basic topics above, you should consider and have notes on the following:

  1. As part of formulating major strategies you would recommend, discuss the pros and cons of the three options listed in the case.


In addition to the basic topics above, you should consider and have notes on the following:

  1. Should Lincoln Electric expand into India by investing in a major production facility there?
  2. If they were to expand into India, should they enter through acquisition, a greenfield site, or some type of joint venture? Which factors would inform your decision among these entry strategies?


In addition to the basic topics above, you should consider and have notes on the following:

  1. Do a financial analysis with conclusions.
  2. This was one of the minority of new ventures that was quite successful in its early period. What went wrong?
  3. What can/should they do now?


This is a short case, primarily designed to stimulate thinking about conflicts between economic and ethical considerations. There is none of the usual company and functional area information, so the usual SWOT and CIs are not appropriate. Our discussion, and a brief, on the Byte Products case should center around two topics:

  1. "Frame" the decision as each of the protagonists (Elliott and Williams) might see it, i.e., (a) define the major objectives that he would like to satisfy, (b) identify what seem to be the major values he is emphasizing, and (c) identify other factors and constraints that he would need to or be likely to consider in making a decision
  2. Think from the standpoint of an objective third-party and try to develop one or more other alternatives that might be acceptable to both Elliott and Williams.
As you work on this case, consider the complexity of balancing economic and self-interests with legal, social, and ethical considerations.


This is the only case for which you will write a long case report. Use the format and descriptions given in these sections on the web site: Written Case Analysis Reports and Case Report Headings, and make use of the suggestions in those sections plus make use of the hints and suggestions in the subsequent two sections: Case Report Grading Criteria & Common Failings in Case Reports. Please include the following specific questions:

  1. As part of your Business/Competitive Environment section, use Porter's Five-Force Model to analyze the dynamics of the PC industry in 2008, and answer the question, In what ways are these dynamics favorable or problematic for Apple?
  2. The iPod-iTunes-iPhone business has been a great success. Does this represent a sustainable competitive advantage for Apple?. Discuss your reasoning.

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Last modified November 17, 2009 Copyright 1999-2009 Rex Mitchell