Stakeholder Analysis
Rex C. Mitchell, Ph.D.

* What is a stakeholder? (many possibilities, e.g., stockholders, various employee groupings, unions, suppliers, customers, creditors, competitors, government entities, community groups, spcial-interest organizations...)

* We need to be selective and consider MAJOR stakeholders, i.e., those with both high interest and substantial power

* Typical stakeholder analysis:

  1. Identify topic for analysis (e.g., a strategy change, another type of decision)
  2. Identify major stakeholders for this topic
  3. Determine their degree of support or opposition to the action or change
  4. Assess the balance of support
  5. If not sufficient, work on changing to a more favorable balance of support
    • Decrease larger opposing forces (generally the best place to start)
    • Increase supporting forces

* How to decrease opposing forces? (some possibilities)

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Last modified July 30, 2008 Copyright 1987-2008 Rex Mitchell