Some Major OD Interventions
Rex C. Mitchell, Ph.D.

This table lists many of the better-known organization development intervention techniques, classified in two ways: (a) by the organizational level that is the target of an intervention and (b) by the aspect of the organizational functioning that is the major focus of an intervention. A number that appears in parentheses in the right two columns indicates a target or focus that may be appropriate for that intervention technique, depending on its application, in contrast to numbers not in parentheses that indicate the more customary target or focus.

For example, the entries for process consultation are: (a) "1, 2, 3" in the Target column, indicating that this technique is normally used for issues requiring intervention at the individual or group or intergroup level, and (b) "(1), 4, (6)" in the Focus column, indicating that this technique is primarily used to deal with behavioral changes and issues, although it can be used to address other types of issues, particularly dealing with goals/values and strategy (e.g., to help a CEO think through strategy issues and alternatives). Obviously, any such classification scheme is at best approximate.

Intervention Technique Target:
1. Individual/Interpersonal
2. Team/Group
3. Intergroup
4. Total Organization
Focus Category:
1. Goals/values
2. Structural
3. Technical
4. Behavioral
5. Environment
6. Strategy
Behavior modification 1 4, 5
Biofeedback 1 4
Career & life planning 1 1, 4
Coaching/counseling 1, 2, (3, 4) 1, 4, (6)
Conflict management 1, 2, 3 2, 4, 5
Education/training 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 3, 4
Goal setting, MBO 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 4
Grid OD packaged program 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 4
Groups/laboratory learning 1, 2 4
Interpersonal learning (e.g., assertiveness training, transactional analysis) 1, 2 4
Job design, job enrichment, quality of work life programs 1, 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4, 5
Quality programs (many types) 2, 3, 4 3, 4
Reward systems 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 4
Stress management 1, 2 3, 4
Process consultation (3rd-party intervention 1, 2, 3 (1) 4, (6)
Role analysis/role clarification 2, 3 2, 4
Role negotiation 2, 3 2, 4
Team building 2 1, 4
Intergroup development 3 1, 2, 4
Open systems planning 2, 3, (4) 1, 4, (6)
Organization design (2), 3, 4 2
Organization mirror 3 4
Survey feedback ( 2), 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Normative systems (e.g., Likert's System 4, McGregor's Theory Y, Argyris' Model II) 2, 3, 4 1, 4
Strategic management (2, 3), 4 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

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Last modified July 5, 1998 Copyright 1989, 1998 Rex Mitchell