%% A nonlinear pendulum %% The differential equation: % $$\ddot{\theta}+\omega^2\sin\theta=0,\qquad \theta(0)=0,\qquad \dot{\theta}(0)=1.$$ %% The corresponding system of the first order differential equations: % $$\frac{dz_1}{dt}=z_2,\,\, \frac{dz_2}{dt}=-\omega^2\sin(z_1),\,\, z_1(0)=0,\,\, z_2(0)=1$$ %% Input initial conditions: z0=[0,1]; %% Define the interval on which solution is computed: tspan =[0,20]; %% Solve the system using |ode45| procedure: [t,z] = ode45('ode3',tspan,z0); %% Extract the positions and velocities: x=z(:,1); v=z(:,2); %% Plots of the positions and velocities as functions of time: % *Note:* _The dashed curve indicates velocities_ plot(t,x,t,v,'--') %% Plot of the phase portrait (velocity as the function of position): figure(2) plot(x,v)