This I Believe

I believe in one all-powerful, all knowing, everlasting God who created the universe. I believe there is a cause much greater than myself and that is to serve Him. Each day, I try to put His will over mine and live my life in a way that will bring glory to God. Although I know, no matter how hard I try, that I can^Rt possibly follow all the commands given in the Bible, I also believe that He will graciously forgive me when I fail. I believe the Bible is God^Rs word and it gives us training on how to live our lives. Included in it is that we should love one another as well as forgive others^R wrongs. We should give everything our best effort, as if for the Lord. I believe the Bible^Rs teaching that Jesus Christ was God^Rs son, sent to earth to die in order to take the punishment for our sins, and to rise again. These are only some of the many things I believe, which are taught in the Bible. I am fortunate enough to have parents who raised me in the Christian faith. Growing up in the church, over the years I^Rve done things like memorizing scripture, learning Bible stories and singing Bible songs in such programs as AWANA and Vacation Bible School. These various teachings gave me a great foundation to build off of. I can^Rt remember a time when I didn^Rt believe, but my high school years were probably when I started to actually understand the many beliefs that go along with being a Christian. Now, I am continually growing in my faith, through attending church as well as study groups. I enjoy still learning more and more about the many attributes of the God of heaven and earth. Finally, I believe that when I die here on earth, I^Rll go to heaven to live with God for eternity.



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