Moorpark: Academic Classroom, Lab and Campus Policies

Attendance and Participation

Due to the workshop nature of the class, your presence at every class meeting is essential to the good health of your grade. Excessive lateness will also affect your final grade. Please note that attendance is not enough. You will also be evaluated on class performance in discussions and workshops. It naturally follows that your classroom participation hinges on the fact that you have all reading and writing assignments completed by the due date. The following illustrates what usually occurs with numerous absences:
1-3 hours:  no penalty		 7-9  hours:  don't expect a C
4-6 hours:  one letter grade	 10  or more:  fail
Moorpark College policy states that students may be dropped from class when they have exceeded 9% absence rate. For our class, that is 5 hours. In most cases I adhere to this policy.

Electronic Devices

All electronic devices must be turned off before class starts. If your device interrupts the class, you will be asked to step outside to take care of your business and not invited to return for that class period.

Grading Policy

You cannot pass the course unless you complete all the course requirements: readings, in-class writing, the journal, and all papers and web projects. All work must be submitted on time for evaluation. Late work will be penalized and may be refused.

Grades for Moorpark will be calculated as follows:

      100-90.....A          69 - 60.........D
      89-80......B          59 and below..Fail
Please refer to your syllabus for the numerical value of assignments.


"Plagiarism is the act of using another person's ideas or expressions in your writing without acknowledging the source. The word comes from the Latin word plagiarius ("kidnapper")..." from the MLA Handbook, p.21. This is a serious academic offense. Do not kidnap or hold for ransom anyone else's words or ideas without giving credit where credit is due.

Online Journal (including summary and responses)

Electronic mail lists have been set up for all classes (a link is provided on each course web page). This online journal serves a variety of purposes, both as a writing journal and a reading log. This will be your place to respond to reading, writing and discussions both inside and outside of class. You will be required to write and post a summary and response for each reading from your main text. I may also ask you to respond to each other on the class *lists.

You will also keep a "pulp" or paper journal, where you can jot down ideas as they occur. This pulp journal is also used for brainstorming, as a reading log for your novel, some homework assignments, and other class excercises. I will collect journals periodically during the semester.

Each class has its own e-list for summary and response homework and class discussion. All classes share a list named "Gripes," an anonymous list used for ongoing evaluation of the teacher, the class, the texts, problems and suggestions. Your feedback is valuable to me for at least two reasons. It will help me to know where you are having current problems. Your suggestions will also guide how I develop future classes.

Library and LMC Computer Labs

In general, when we meet in the computer lab on Fridays, we are expected to follow the lab policies and procedures. No food or drinks are allowed, with the exception of water.


If you have a learning, attention, physical, or psychological disability that may require classroom or test accomodations, please let me know as soon as possible to ensure accomodations are implemented in a timely manner. If you have not already done so, please register with ACCESS (located just to the right of the campus center building) or call them at 378-1461. Verification from ACCESS is required before any classroom or testing accomodation can be made.


The Moorpark College Smoking Policy states: "In the interest of the health and welfare of students, employees and the public, smoking is not permitted anywhere on the Moorpark College campus except in the designated smoking areas. Smoking is not allowed in college-owned vehicles."

Eng 02-8
Eng 02-9
Eng 1B
Spring 2006 Index
Fall 2004 Index
Fall 2002 Index
Spring 01 Index
Fall 2001 Index

Janet Cross


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