San Andreas Fault
Hawaiian lava flow
Mount St. Helens


GEOL 548/L

Dr. Dayanthie Weeraratne
Dept. of Geological Sciences, CSUN
Live Oak Hall, Rm# 1203

Text: Introduction to Seismology,
by Peter M. Shearer

Supplementary Text Book: Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and Earth Structure
by Seth Stein and Michael Wysesssion


  • Week #1 "Introduction Seismology" PPT

  • Week #2 "History of Seismology" PPT

  • Week #3 "Waves on a String" PPT

  • Queen Charlotte earthquake, October 28, 2012 PPT

  • See Class Notes for Lectures on Chapters 1-4 (Shearer Text)

  • S wave Anisotropy PPT

  • Surface Waves (Chapter 8) PPT

  • (Lecture in PDF version) PDF

    Earthquakes around the world, today!
    Cascades Volcano Observatory
    International Tsunami Information Center
    Indian Ocean Tsunami
    USGS Earthquake Hazards
    General seismology links
    NASA: Rovers land on Mars!
    Geoscience Departments (U.S. & Canada)