David M. Schwartz

Emeritus Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, CSUN

Last modified 5/16/23

No Current Teaching Assignments for Fall 2024.


A note to my Spring 2023 ECE 240 students:

All of you did the best job I have ever seen on the last block of material involving the concepts of impedance and frequency response!  I was impressed and am glad to have had the opportunity to have been you instructor.  Best of luck for your future careers!

Office Hours: via email

Here is a simple emulator that steps through the BB84 Quantum Key Distribution Protocol. 


The APP Installer should install the APP and also load the correct MATLAB_Runtime version. I found that I had to disable my virus protection to get this to work.

BB84 QKD Emulator App Installer


Here is an introduction to Digital Signal Processing


Email: dms@csun.edu

ECE Website