Data for Aperiodic Crosscorrelation of Sequences Derived from Characters

The paper can be found at:

Daniel J. Katz, Aperiodic Crosscorrelation of Sequences Derived from Characters, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62(9): 5237-5259 (2016).

A preprint version is available at:

arXiv: 1602.04487 [cs.IT]

This paper and the accompanying materials here are based on work supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant DMS 1500856, in part by California State University, Northridge through a Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Award, and in part by funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada through a grant awarded to Jonathan Jedwab.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

The copyright for all material posted on this web page is held by Daniel J. Katz (2016). All rights reserved. If you are interested in using this for your research, please contact me at email: [my first name] [dot] [my last name] [at] csun [dot] edu

The data files used to produce each figure in the paper (along with summary files that describe how to read the data file) are organized by Figure number. An overall description of the contents is in readme.txt.
Figure 1histogramf-2-to-8-cross-nontriv.txt
Figure 2first histogramf-2-to-8-cross-rev.txt
second histogramf-2-to-8-cross-other.txt
Figure 3first graphf-2-to-9-other-rotation.txt
second graphf-2-to-9-rev-rotation.txt
Figure 4first graphf-3-to-6-other-rotation.txt
second graphf-3-to-6-rev-rotation.txt
Figure 5first graphf-2-to-9-app-other-rotation.txt
second graphf-2-to-9-app-rev-rotation.txt
Figure 6first graphf-2-to-9-trunc-other-rotation.txt
second graphf-2-to-9-trunc-rev-rotation.txt
Figure 7graphlegendre-257-trunc-rotation.txt
Figure 8graphlegendre-257-half-rotation.txt

The programs used to produce the data files are described in readme.txt. The executable codes, compiled for the AMD64 architecture under GNU/Linux, are presented here.
Figures 1-2histogramsmseq-survey
Figures 3-6graphsmseq-rotation
Figures 7-8graphsmult-rotation