Business Communication 205

Analysis of Communications for Business

Syllabus Fall 2007


Instructor:  C. Bendavid

California State University Northridge                                                                             Office Hours:

                                                                                                                                  11-11:50  MWF

                                                                                              Web address:

                                                                                                                                   Office:JD 4501

E-Mail address:                                            Office Phone: 818-677-3941

                                                                                                             (please communicate via email)




Qualifying scores on EPT or exemption, or satisfactory completion of appropriate developmental courses. It is recommended that students complete ENG 155 and Comp 100 before registering for business communications.


Course Description as listed in the CSUN Catalog: 

Presentation of concepts and techniques for developing oral and written communications skills adapted to business situations across the functional areas. Emphasizes methods for listening, reading and comprehending; paraphrasing/ summarizing information, distinguishing between facts, assumptions, and opinions; responding appropriately in a clear concise fashion; synthesizing from different sources, organizing information to support conclusions, using an appropriate format and business writing style while applying conventions of standard English; and documenting sources to avoid plagiarism. Use of frequent writing assignments designed to improve writing and editing skills.


Required Text:  

Guffey, Mary Ellen. Business Communication: Process & Product. Custom Edition

Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing, An International Thomson

Publishing Company, 2007.

Pocket Dictionary

Required Supplies

  1. A USB Jump drive – minimum 128mb (512mb or 1gb would be better)(preferred storage solution) or diskettes.
  2. Mini Stapler (work must be stapled properly when submitted)
  3. One spiral or ringed notebook for class notes. 
  4. Scantron test forms (Midsemesters and Final exams)


Course Policies:




  1. Class will start “on the hour.  It is necessary to be in class and ready-to-work “on time.”  Tardiness will cause a drop in grade.
  2. Regular and punctual attendance is expected of all students.  Absence WILL cause a drop in grade.
  3. No late homework will be accepted.  Points can be made up by completing extra work the following week (see options under homework section). 
  4. All homework must be keyboarded (handwritten work will not be accepted)




  1. Read assigned work (see class schedule).
  2. Complete written assignment from textbook (see homework assignment schedule). Please keyboard question – then keyboard the answer.  (These will become excellent study sheets for the midsemesters and final. 
  3. Homework is due each Monday (before the beginning of class).  Late assignments will not be accepted.   No makeup work will be accepted.
  4. Homework is graded on a point basis and represents 5 percent of your grade.  Grade sheets will be distributed periodically so you can determine your grade status
  5. Please label your work correctly:  Name, Class Time, Assignments (listed vertically in order) etc. on a keyboarded cover page (you will lose points if you do not complete the cover page correctly – this must be a printed page).  Each assignment MUST have your name printed on each submitted page.  Please see my website for the proper format.
  6. Makeup:  If you miss a homework assignment or need to make up missing points, you may do one extra assignment per week.  Please indicate the extra assignment on your homework cover sheet.  Missing classwork assignments cannot be made up as they indicate participation in class activities.


General Rules:

  1. You are to complete all assignments YOURSELF.  Please see school policy regarding “cheating.”  Anyone who is suspected of turning in work which is not “his or her own,” will be subject to suspension.  (This work and the work from the person who allowed his/her work to be copied will not be accepted or recorded.)

Academic Dishonesty: also known as plagiarism should never happen in this class or in any of your classes.  In any assignment, words and/or ideas that are not your own need to be correctly documented, otherwise it is considered plagiarism. If you plagiarize, I will contact Dr. William Watkins, the Assistant Vice President for Student Life. In class, we will be reviewing ways to cite sources in order to avoid plagiarism; however, I encourage you to meet with me if you are uncertain about whether your writing could be misconstrued as plagiarism.

  1. All work must be submitted on time.
  2. All work MUST have a cover page with the appropriate information listed.
  3. Makeup work must be submitted according to submission rules. 
  4. All homework and special assignments must be keyboarded and stapled properly.  (handwritten assignments will not be accepted)
  5. Email policy:  Please communicate with me via e-mail about the course.  Please know that I do not accept assignments electronically so please do not ask for this privilege. 

If you need special course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, or you have special medical information to share, please speak to me immediately after the first or second class.


Electronic Devices In Class Policy


Cellular phones, pagers, CD players, radios, and similar devices are prohibited in the classroom and laboratory facilities. Calculators and computers are prohibited during examinations and quizzes, unless specified. Reasonable laptop-size computers may be used in lecture for the purpose of taking notes. Use of Dictionaries OK during tests. Cell Phones and Pagers are to be turned off and kept out of my sight. If your phone or pager rings during class, your participation grade will be affected.



Reading Assignments:

All reading assignments must be completed before class.  It is suggested that you read each chapter three times: 

    1. Skim the material
    2. Read for comprehension
    3. Take notes and highlight important areas


Writing Assignments:

You will prepare four writing assignments during the course of the semester for which you will receive an assignment sheet with specific instructions.  Each assignment will count as 10% of your grade.


An oral group presentation will be completed.  You will be assigned to a team of four or five students who will prepare and present an oral presentation to the class utilizing a PowerPoint Slide Presentation. 



Two objective (scantron) midterm exams will be given.  The first exam will cover the first half of the course material presented in the textbook and will be scheduled approximately after completion of half the course.  The final will cover the remaining textbook material and will be given according to the published final exam schedule.


Class Participation:

Class participation grades will be based upon scores of writing assignments completed during class time.  Even though there will be no makeup for class writing assignments, at least twice during the semester the daily assignment will be counted as “extra credit” or makeup. 


Incomplete Policy


Students will not be given an incomplete grade in the course without sound reason and documented evidence (i.e. medical reasons must be documented by a doctor’s note) as described in the Student Handbook. A student must be passing and must have completed a significant portion of the course.

 Incomplete forms must be signed by the student and the instructor.  Incomplete grades must be completed within one year.


Additional assignments:

I reserve the right to make other assignments as necessary. You will receive advance notice of these additions and changes.




The computer will calculate your grade based upon the following-listed category weights.  The system will round up at .5%  (+’s and –‘s will not be posted)


1.      A – 90-100%

2.      B – 80 – 89%

3.      C – 70 – 79%

4.      D – 60 – 69%


The final grade will be calculated based upon the following categories:


Writing Assignments*:

                                             Summary  (1)                              10%

                                             Collaborative Letter (2)               10%

                                             Direct Memo     (1)                      10%

                                             Indirect Letter and brochure (3)   10%

                                             Oral Presentation (5)                   15%

                                             Midsemester Exams                     15%

                                             Final Exam                                  15%

                                             Classwork                                   10%

                                             Homework                                    5%


*indicates single or group assignment (number of people in group)


This syllabus is subject to change and may be changed at the instructor’s direction..