The Associated Graduate Students in English at CSUN


Imagined Nations:

Inquiries into Cultural Assumptions about Nationalism

SaturdayApril 26, 2008

Guest Speaker Dr. Marcial Gonzales

"The Persistence of Nationalism:

Recent Trends in Cultural Studies"

Since the 19th century, nationalism and national identities have played a central role in shaping the way we think about our literatures, cultures, selves, and societies. Attempts to define or distinguish nations are under constant scrutiny because such projects seek to contain or universalize what is under constant flux. What is more, the criteria often used to help identify nations (language, ethnicity, etc.) are themselves fluid and subject to examination. And still, none of those factors take into account an individual's approach to nationality or the choices therein.

This conference will participate in the broader attempt to question assumptions about nationality and nationalism. AGSE seeks papers and panel proposals that question or reconsider nationalism in literature or literary criticism, as well as performances that consider similar assumptions. Possible topics include, but are by no means limited to:

Narration and Nation

Languages and Nations

Literatures and Nationhood

Media and National Identity

Nation and Gender

Nation and Race

Nation and Class

National Cultures

US Imperialism

Formation of National Identity

Nations within Nations

Gendered, Racial, or Religious Nations

Global Nations or Nationality

New or Challenged Forms of Social Organization

Resistance to or Inclination toward National Identity

Transcontinental Nationhood

Unidentified or Unacknowledged Nations

Nations in Transformation


Creative Writing, Literature, and Rhetoric & Composition submissions related to this theme are all welcome, as are individual or panel submissions. Abstracts for individual paper proposals, performances, and readings must be no more than 250 words in length and must clearly explain the topic and argument of the submission. Panel proposals cannot exceed one page in length and must describe both the panel and the individual papers. Submissions must also include a cover sheet that includes your name, the title of your submission, street address, email address, phone number, and affiliation.

All proposals must be submitted in hard copy to the English Dept. Main Office & can be mailed or dropped off in person. The deadline for submissions is EXTENDED to Tuesday, April 15, 2008.


The conference will go from 9:30 AM until 3:30 PM. Each presenter will have approximately 15 minutes of speaking time, so please plan your submissions and proposals accordingly (papers should not exceed 10 pages).

Presenters will receive a copy of the published proceedings and a continental breakfast.

Contact Information

Please contact Vilma Villela, AGSE President, with any questions (

You can also visit the AGSE website,, for more information and updates.