
CSUN's Model United Nations has another winning semester!

May 3, 2017

CSUN Model United Nations team in New YorkCSUN’s Model United Nations team had another successful semester in the spring of 2017. They were led by head delegates Jennifer Veitia and Rogelio Ruiz and competed in 4 conferences over the course of the semester. They won awards at each conference.

  • At a conference in Riverside, the following students were acknowledged for their performance: Jennifer Veitia, Raina Iqbal, and Rujjares Hansapiromchok (outstanding delegation).
  • At a conference hosted by College of the Canyons, our students won 5 out of the 6 awards given. Those students were: Jennifer Veitia and Sheryl Callos (outstanding) Milad Salami, Jaelin Palmer, & Rujjares Hansapiromchok (Honorable Mention).
  • In New York, 10 students competed in the National Model United Nations Conference and represented Equatorial Guinea in 5 committees. The team won Distinguished Delegation. In addition, Rogelio Ruiz and Max Goossen won a position paper award, and Milad Salami, Abby Lewis, Rujjares Hansapiromchok, and Andy Ordonez won Outstanding Delegation in Committee Awards.
  • 12 students competed in the Model United Nations Far West conference in San Francisco and represented Burundi, Benin, and Central African Republic. Burundi represented by Jennifer Veitia, Rogelio Ruiz, Sean Regan, Ofelia Calderon, and Souk Saignavong won Outstanding Delegation.

Congratulations to everyone for a job well done!
