
Social Science Writing Project: Reading for Writing

Friday, November 7, 2014 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Sierra Hall 225
Reading for Writing
Instructor: Miriam Neirick

Workshop participants will be introduced to a method of reading social science texts by identifying not only what these texts “say,” but also what they “do.” In the workshop, we’ll work through each paragraph of the introduction to an empirical study about writing skills in the workplace, reading not only for the content of each paragraph, but also for the operations that the author is performing throughout. We’ll ask ourselves: does the author introduce a new claim, establish the significance of a prior claim, explain a term, offer evidence, describe methodology, transition from discussing existing scholarship to defining the present research purpose? The workshop will encourage students to be mindful of and deliberate about the various moves that they are making in their own writing.

For information about this and other workshops please visit the Social Science Writing Project Website or download our Fall 2014, Spring 2015 Schedule (.pdf).

Communication services (sign language interpreters, note takers, real-time captionists, or assistive listening devices) are available for this event. Requests for services must be submitted at least five (5) working days in advance.