(1) Databases - Complete these exercises - download chapter | db-file

Note to PC-users. you will need to turn on the autofilter feature to view these sheets as databases. Select the category headers, the use Data/Filter/Autofilter. Arrows should appear in the catergory headers. If they do not, repeate the procedure until they do.

  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Health
  • Astronomy and Earth Science
  • Physics

(2) Spreadsheets & Graphing - Complete these exercises - download chapter | ss-file A| ss-file B | graphics

  • Calculations and computer modeling
  • Walking through Graphs
  • Graphing Stories
  • Constructing Graphs from Real-World Descriptions
  • Scatter and line graphs
  • Column and bar graphs
  • Pie and area graphs
  • High-low / combination / log plots
  • Statistics

(3) Biological Databases Anatomy | Genetics | Botany | Zoology

(a) Research 3 biological databases of your choice to find specific information (graphics and/or text) relevant to a lesson you might teach in a secondary school biology class. Include links to the data, and describe how it would be used.

(b) Give a specific example of how you could use online biological databases to enhance your instruction in a biology or physiology classroom.

(c) Write a higher-order question that would require students to analyze data from one of the databases.

(d) Use Inspiration (sample files) to develop a visual taxonomic scheme for the materials (photo) presented in class. Include a link to your file.

(4) Chemical Databases

(a) Discuss three specific advantages of an interactive periodic table compared to a traditional periodic table.

(b) Write a question that could be answered more effectively using an interactive periodic table than with a traditional periodic table.

(5) Nutrition Analysis Using Online nutrition databases

(a) Attach a printout of the analysis of your daily diet.

(b) Use the computerized analysis to prepare a written summary of your diet and recommendations for improvement if necessary.

(6) Analyzing experimental data

(7) Solving problems with spreadsheets

Solve real-life problems by analyzing the following spreadsheet files.

  • Determine the energy of reaction of the combustion of methane (CH4) or other molecule.
  • Express the measurements of a scale model of the solar system designed to fill your classroom or the football field.
  • Express the relative sizes or distances of the planets in graphic form

(8) Solving problems by graphing (Note: completed in #2 above - no need to repeat)

  • Differentiate and identify periodic and non-periodic properties of the elements by graphing.
  • Compare and contrast the radioactive decay for two isotopes by graphing
  • Analyze and discuss yearly climatic data for evidence of global warming.

(9) Statistical analysis (Note: completed in #2 above - no need to repeat)

  • Determine the relationships between the length, mass and periods of a pendulum using trendlines
  • Use regression analysis (trendline) to investigate and explain the relationship between independent and dependent variables in the distribution of plants or animals in a transect.

(10) Spreadsheet development

  • Develop a spreadsheet file to teach a specific science or math lesson. Include lesson plans for using the spreadsheet. This spreadsheet must include a variety of calculations. Include a copy of the spreadsheet (showing calculations).
  • Post your excel file on the web.

(11) GPS / Mapping