Science Teaching Series

Internet Resources

I. Developing Scientific Literacy

II. Developing Scientific Reasoning

III. Developing Scientific Understanding

IV. Developing Scientific Problem Solving

V. Developing Scientific Research Skills

VI. Resources for Teaching Science

University Supervisors - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Sci., Health

labThe University Supervisor is the field supervisor of the Teacher Candidate. In SED 554, the University Supervisor visits the Candidate on four occasions, two times in the first half of the assignment and two times in the final half of the assignment. Typically, the SED 555/555BL University Supervisor will visit a Teacher Candidate about every 2-3 weeks to observe a lesson and conduct on-site conferences, approximately 5-6 times per semester/track. The University Supervisor also confers with the Master Teacher and writes a Progress Report (SED 554) or a Midterm and Final Evaluation (SED 555/555BL). Additionally, the SED 555/555BL University Supervisor may assist the Teacher Candidate in completing the PACT Teaching Event and sign the Individual Induction Plan (IIP). University Supervisors may also participate in scoring the PACT Teaching Event due near the end of the SED 555/555BL semester.


Student Teachers

Essential Information

