ECOLOGY QUESTION 1983: L. PETERSON/AP BIOLOGY Describe the trophic levels in a typical ecosystem. Discuss the flow of energy through the ecosystem, the relationship between the different trophic levels, and the factors that limit the number of trophic levels. STANDARDS: DESCRIPTION AND SYSTEM RELATIONSHIPS: Max. = 8 points Define and/or identify: __ producers __ consumers (herbivores - carnivores - omnivores) __ decomposers Identification of: __ autotrophs __ heterotrophs Define: __ trophic level __ Complex system Comparisons (Pyramids): __ organism (numbers) __ organism (size) __ organism (biomass) __ inverted, numbers and/or biomass __ Material Cycling __ Description of food chain and/or web ENERGY FLOW IN THE SYSTEM: Max. = 6 points __ source __ process (photosynthesis) __ producers support the system __ energy loss __ quantification of loss Use of Energy: __ heat __ metabolic __ building compounds __ amount of energy contained (comparative) Relationship of R: __ Prnet __ Prgross LIMITING FACTORS: (No Max.) __ Energy (2 points) __ Change in Prnet __ Change in Prgross __ Biomass (materials) __ Producer numbers __ Efficiency ECOLOGY QUESTION 1985: L. PETERSON/AP BIOLOGY Describe the process of ecological succession from a pioneer community to a climax community. Include in your answer a discussion of species diversity and interactions, accumulation of biomass, and energy flow. STANDARDS: DESCRIPTION __ Definition of Succession __ Differentiation (Primary/Secondary) Examples: __ Pioneer __ Climax __ Sere (two or more examples = 2 points) __ Modification of the environment SPECIES DIVERSITY __ Explanation of increase __ Types of Competition (or Niche) __ Examples __ Change in Population Density __ Description of Food Web __ R-Strategists -> K-Strategists (2 points) __ Change in Symbiotic Relationships (increase toward mutualisms) BIOMASS __ Production increase and explanation (2 points) __ Levels of Organizationm (Autotrophs & Heterotrophs) __ Examples of Producers (etc.) __ Pyramid or Explanation ENERGETICS __ Source (Sun) __ Utilization - Photosynthesis __ Explanation of Decrease (entropy -unused) OR Pyramid + Explanation __ Climax Stability (Dynamic Equilibrium) __ P/R toward 1 __ Net Productivity Decrease ECOLOGY QUESTION 1986: L. PETERSON/AP BIOLOGY Describe the biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nitrogen. Trace these elements from the point of their release from a decaying animal to their incorporation into a living animal. STANDARDS: The question was divided into two sections for grading, with a maximum number of points of 8 per section. For each maximum assigned, there were more points possible to allow the student several ways to reach the maximum. For the CARBON CYCLE, it was possible to earn points for each of the following statements or ideas: __ Explanation of the role of green plants as producers __ Mention of herbivores in a way that indicated an understanding of their role __ An indication that carnivores obtained C from herbivores __ Discussion of the role of decomposers in returning C to the atmosphere as CO2 __ Mention of CO2 production via respiration of green plants, herbivores or carnivores __ Discussion of the C in oil, natural gas, and coal as originating from the remains of organisms __ Mention of CO2 release to the atmosphere through the burning of fuel or through release of C from limestone. __ Discussion of the existence of dissolved CO2 in the bodies of water on the earth. __ An indication that human activity had a significant impact on the carbon cycle. In the case of the nitrogen cycle, there were 14 possible points from which it was possible for the student to earn the maximum of 8 for that portion of the questions. __ An indication that organic molecules were broken down to amino acids after death __ Discussion of deamination __ Mention of NH4+ as the product of deamination __ Indication that ammonium ion can be converted to nitrate (a second point if there is inclusion of the further oxidation to nitrate) __ Discussion of denitrification __ Mentioning the role of microbes, industry, or lightning in affecting atmospheric nitrogen. __ Understanding that when nitrogen gas is fixed, it is converted to the ammonium ion. __ Indication that nitrate or nitrite or ammonium ions can be taken up by organisms __ Mention of nitrogen loss to living organisms which results from burning or leaching __ Indication that plants use absorbed nitrogen to make proteins __ An understanding of the conversion by animals of plant proteins into animal proteins __ Indication that on death or in excretion organic nitrogen is released into the environment. __ Indication of a significant impact of human activity on the nitrogen cycle. ECOLOGY QUESTION 1989: L. PETERSON/AP BIOLOGY Using an example for each, discuss the following ecological concepts. a) Succession b) Energy flow between trophic levels c) Limiting factors d) Carrying capacity STANDARDS: a) SUCCESSION: Max. = 3 points __ Definition: demonstrate process of change in communities through time __ modification of environment/transition of species composition __ Examples: generalized - lake -> marsh -> meadow -> forest specific - lichen -> moss -> herbs -> shrubs -> forest __ Primary - no life/soil -> pioneer organisms/soil development __ Secondary - disturbance -> climax/stable community b) ENERGY FLOW BETWEEN TROPHIC LEVELS: Max. = 3 points __ Examples: grass -> locust -> mouse -> snake grass -> herbivore -> carnivore -> detritivore producer -> 10 consumer -> 20 consumer -> 30 consumer food chain/web - elaboration of trophic levels __ Producers (autotrophs) start energy flow __ Consumers (heterotrophs) acquire energy from primary producers __ Productivity - measure of rate at which energy is converted from radiant to biomass and kinetic energy of action or PG - R = PN __ Efficiency - 10% rule/90% energy loss or pyramid of energy c) LIMITING FACTORS: Max. = 3 points __ Definition: any factor operating to restrict population growth Examples: __ biotic - population density, competition, predation __ abiotic - moisture, temperature, weather/climate, wind, sunlight, soil, topography, geographic location, nutrients __ density-dependent - change birth/death rate as density changes __ density-independent - change birth/death rate regardless of density d) CARRYING CAPACITY: Max. = 3 points __ Definition: number of individuals of a population (species) sustainable by an environment (as long as the environment remains the same) __ Examples: predator/prey; rabbits in Australia; deer on Kaibab; human population; __ Limiting factor(s) determine carrying capacity (competition, waste, predation) __ Population grows -> rate slows -> stabilize (N decreases) or __ Population falls -> growth resumes -> stabilizes (N decreases) or __ dN/dt = rN (K-N/K) with explanation or graph with explanation __ K/r strategies related to carrying capacity ECOLOGY QUESTION 1993: L. PETERSON/AP BIOLOGY Living organisms play an important role in the recycling of many elements within an ecosystem. Discuss how various types of organisms and their biochemical reactions contribute to the recycling or either carbon or nitrogen in an ecosystem. Include in your answer one way in which human activity has an impact on the nutrient cycle you have chosen. This question required students to integrate material typically presented at widely separated times in their course wor, namely ecology, biochemistry, and organismal diversity. Conceptual understanding was extremely important; simple recall of words or phrases did not earn points. Students were required to choose one cycle, and to trace the pathway(s) of the chosen element through appropriate organisms and metabolic sequences to return to the starting material. Description of the carbon cycle involves trophic structure (energy transfer) of the ecosystem, and depends heavily on processes of autotrophy (usually photosynthesis) and heterotrophy (usually aerobic respiration). The nitrogen cycle is somewhat more complex; and bacteria play key roles. Nitrogen compounds play important structural roles in all organisms but are less important in energy transfer. Finally, students described an impact of human technology and related this impact ot the chosen cycle. NUTRIENT CYCLING (8 POINTS MAXIMUM) __ OVERVIEW - Why is recycling necessary? SPECIFIC CYCLE CHOICE (GRADE FIRST CYCLE SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED) CARBON NITROGEN __ Demonstrates closed C cycle __ Demonstrates closed N cycle __ Carbon sources/pools, locations __ Nitrogen sources/pools (availability) __ Basic process of carbon fixation __ N2 conversion (N2 -> "usable" form) (CO2 -> sugar, biomass or organic form) __ Elaboration of autotrophy __ Elaboration of fixation __ Role of respiration (organic C -> CO2) __ Nitrification (see addendum) __ Elaboration of respiration __ Denitrification (see addendum) __ Uniqueness of autotrophy __ Uniqueness of bacteria to processes (universality of respiration) __ Plant assimilation of N compounds: inorganic -> organic __ Storage forms/products __ Storage forms/products __ Food chain sequence __ Food chain sequence __ Role of decomposer __ Role of decomposer __ Unusual cases: (see addendum) __ Unusual cases: (see addendum) methanogenesis deamination photorespiration ammonification chemosynthesis re-reduction (reductases) Urea <-> Uric Acid HUMAN IMPACT ON CHOSEN CYCLE (3 POINTS MAXIMUM) __ Identify single human technological impact on cycle __ Explanation of impact/consequence __ Additional details Nutrient Cycling ADDENDUM The intent of this addendum is to clarify details of the scoring standards by providing additional technical information, names of organisms, enzymes, etc. which may be mentioned by students. It does NOT replace the standards which should be referred to for distribution of points, maximum points for certain areas, etc. CARBON CYCLE Elaboration of photosynthesis: Calvin Cycle biochemistry: complete correct equation (RuBP + CO2 -> 2 PGA or 6 RuBP + 6CO2 + 18 ATP + 12 NADPH2 -> 6 RuBP + hexose + 18 ADP + 12 NADP, etc.) or mention of enzymes involved (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase or rubisco is most likely) or mention that these reactions occur in chloroplasts, in stroma, etc. mention of distinction between C3 vs C4-CAM pathways or groups of plants. mention of seasonal fluctuations. Elaboration of respiration: mention of specific steps in respiration where CO2 is released: pyruvate -> acetyl-CoA + CO2, Krebs cycle reactions, etc. fermentation reactions: pyruvate + NADH -> EtOH + CO2, etc. Storage forms/products: standing trees, peat, coal, oil, natural gas, bones, shells, coral, chalk, limestone of biogenic origin, etc. Unusual or special cases: methanogenesis: CO2 + 4 H2 -> CH4 + 2 H2O only bacteria actually do this, but students are more likely to describe the environment in which the bacteria grow, such as ruminants (belching cows), swamps (waterlogged, anaerobic soils), etc. Photorespiration: in C3 palnts if CO2/O2 ratio is low, RuBP + O2 -> PGA + P-glycolate P-glycolyate -> glyoxylate, glyoxylate + NH2 -> glycine, glycine + NAD -> CO2 + serine + NH3 + NADH Chemosynthesis: incorporation of CO2 using an energy source other than light (H2, highly reduced organic compounds, etc.) IMPACT ON CARBON CYCLE: Burning fossil fuels -> raises CO2 levels may produce greenhouse effect, may stimulate autotrophs Clearing/burning forests -> raises CO2 levels or removes autotrophs may produce greenhouse effect, may increase CO2 dissolved in oceans, etc. Acid rain -> dissolves limestone, releases CO2 or kills autotrophs may contribute to greenhouse effect, increase CO2 content of oceans, etc. Intensive agriculture/desert irrigation -> increase in autotrophs removes CO2 from sources, ties up carbon in storage forms Nutrient Cycling ADDENDUM NITROGEN CYCLE Elaboration of N2 fixation ("conversion") Equation: N2 + 6 H+ + 6e- -> 2 NH3 Enzyme complex: nitrogenase or N2ase (strictly anaerobic) Specific organisms: Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Klebsiella, Clostridium, Nostoc, Anabaena, Gloeotheca, Trichodesmium, etc. Distinction between free-living and symbiotic nitrogen-fixing organisms. Association of bacteria with plants, legumes, nodulations, leghemoglobin, etc. Nitrification: in bacteria, NH4+ + 2 O2 -> NO2- + 2 H2O, NO2- + O2 -> NO3- this is done by Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, etc. Denitrification: in bacteria, NO3- -> NO2- -> N2O -> N2 this is true anaerobic respiration; the nitrogen compound acts as an alternative electron acceptor, replacing O2. Pseudomonas can do this, also Paracoccus, Bacillus, Thiobacillus, etc. Typically occurs in water-logged soils depleted of O2. Unusual or special cases: Ammonification: usually by bacteria/fungi proteins -> amino acids, amino acids -> NH3 Re-reduction: many organisms can use NO3 or NO2 but must convert these back to NH3 first. This is done by a pair of enzymes, namely nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase. Some organisms excrete urea and/or uric acid. Insectivorous plants (Pitcher Plants, Venus Flytrap, etc.) obtain nitrogenous compounds by digesting animals. IMPACT ON NITROGEN CYCLE: Burning fossil fuels -> releases NOx contributes to acid rain Burning/clearing forest -> increases leaching of N compounds from soil decrease in fertility, increased NO3 in runoff water, etc. Use of N fertilizers -> kills nitrogen fixers, other soil microbes or -> increased NO3 in runoff water. decrease in fertility, possible health effects, eutrophication, algal blooms, possible O2 depletion, etc. Pesticides -> kill N2 fixers. decrease in fertility Genetic Engineering of N2ase -> higher plants can fix their own N2?