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Virtual Lecture

October 18, 2012

Video Transcript

I'm Norm Herr, a professor of science and computer education here at Cal State, Northridge, working with the department of secondary education and training people in the master's program and the credential program in use of technology as well as science education.

One of the things that I started doing recently is actually recording all of my lessons. I use Elluminate to do this, and some of my students are unable to come to class because of they're traveling or because of illness or whatever, and so I've broadcast my classes on Elluminate, and so all of the students can see the desktop of my computer where I have all of the files that I'm working with, and they can hear me or they can see a video of me if I'm doing a demonstration or some kind of experiment, and then, of course, I can see them, and I can see all of their input.

I started doing this first when I had to teach a couple of classes remotely like I was at a conference at the Berkeley, and I had to teach my class, and I used Elluminate to do that, and the students liked it so much that they asked me to start recording my lessons in general so what I do now is just that when I'm teaching I will go to Elluminate and use the record feature and then it simply makes a file which I have listed on my website that they can then go and see the full transcript of that session. So if there is something that they didn't understand or something they need to look at in greater detail, they can scroll through that particular portion of the lesson and then see it again.

And that has really helped me quite a bit in terms of reducing the number of office calls and so forth that have because now they can go back, and they can look at what happened in class and see how the solution to a particular problem and replay it until they understand it.