Religious Studies

Career Suggestions

Life after graduation - What can I do with this major?

A Religious Studies degree uses a multidisciplinary approach including philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology, archaeology and theology. It provides the same advantages as any liberal arts degree. The RS major builds skills in critical thinking and writing, critical historical analysis, socio-cultural analysis and comparative analysis of the "other". These skills equip students for many other areas in the academic, business, social services, law, medicine and professional spheres.

The major provides a broad-bases foundation of cultural, historical , and artistic background that will help you sharpen you analytical skills and writing.

The interdisciplinary background in the liberal arts will also prepare students for careers in business, government, education, communications, human services, and law.

Our majors have gone on to pursue degrees in law, education, business, Peace Corps, English, journalism, sociology, psychology, teaching, theater, counseling, and the ministry.

Corporate businesses in the U.S., as well as international business firms, are increasingly looking for strong liberal arts majors who have analytical skills and communicate well for management and marketing positions.

Current world markets and political dynamics require employees and citizens to think globally and act responsibility. The RS program both familiarizes students with the diversity of the world's cultures and sensitizes them to respect the differences. Understanding another's culture is the first step in genuine dialogue.

Students who graduate with a major in RS go on to a wide variety of careers, ranging from academia, medicine, law, business, non-profit work, and work in the private sector. The broad scope of career alternatives makes our graduates competitive in the job market. Salaries will vary depending on the specific career field. The average starting salary based on skills and experiences gained at the Bachelor level is $41,079 (average from NACE, July 2009). Keep in mind that salary level typically increases with additional experience and/ or education degrees.



Administration/management | Advertising and promotion managers | Human Resources | Publishers/bookstores | Media Planning | Telecommunications | Finance | Writing/Editing | Publishing | Public Relations | Radio | Sales | Television/film | Art directors


Teaching | Research | Counseling | Administration/Staff | Parochial Education | International Education | Special Education Instructor | Librarian | Chaplaincy | Campus Ministry

Social Services

Administration | Public Relations | Counseling | Advocacy | Crisis Services | Financial/debt counseling | Hospice and related health care fields | Archeology/research/writing | Sociology | Social Worker


Local and State Agencies | Community-based programs and services | Public, private and corporate law | Mediation policy analysis and advisory | Public and office Administration | Lawyer | Criminal Justice system | Public Safety | Probation Officer


Youth ministries | Religious Education | Missionary Outreach | Family Life Center Management | Clergy (Buddhist, Catholic, Jewish, Protestant) | Music | Publishing | Radio/films/TV | Public Relations

Health and Welfare

Counselor | Medicine | Family Therapist | Addictions/interventions | Parent Education | Protective custody | Disabilities specialties activities coordinator | Skilled Nursing Facility management