Gender and Women's Studies

  • Welcome back to Spring Semester!
  • Gender & Women's Studies
  • Ni Una Menos
  • Double Major with Gender and Women's Studies

Marta Lopez-Garza

Close up of Professor Marta Lopez-Garza
(818) 677-4785 or 6488
Office location:
JR 121A or JR 340


Marta López-Garza (Professor) holds a joint position in Gender & Women’s Studies and Chicana/o Studies Departments at California State University, Northridge. She co-facilitates the formerly incarcerated student organization, Revolutionary Scholars, and is co-founder of Civil Discourse & Social Change, a campus wide initiative combining education with avenues for community involvement and sustained activism. López-Garza is a community based researcher, whose most current research is on formerly incarcerated women, the subject of her documentary “When Will the Punishment End?” which can be viewed on This film follows the women in their journey from prison back to their communities, and their attempts to rebuild their lives and reunite with their families.

Recent publications include: 

“Race Classification:The Question of Categorization and Claiming Indigeneity,” co-author Mary Pardo, U.S. Latino Issues (ed. Rodolfo Acuña); 

“Formerly Incarcerated Women Speak Out,” Journal of Progressive Human Services"

“Exploring the Intersections between Scholarship and Activism: Our Journey from Community Concerns to Scholarly Work,” Co-authors, Yarma Velázquez Vargasand Mary Pardo, White Washing American Education: The New Culture Wars in Ethnic Studies (eds. Buenavista, Marin, Ratcliff, Sandoval);

“Formerly Incarcerated Women: Stories of Returning Home, to Family and Community,” Research Justice: Methodologies for Change (ed. Andrew Jolivette).  Forthcoming:

“Bendición de Casa: Life and Spirit in Living Spaces,” in Prayers and Rituals from the Ancestors and Beyond: Chicana and Latina Spiritual Expressions(eds. Lara Medina, Martha Gonzales).