Being Strategic Partners

During the 2014-2015 fiscal year of July 1, 2014  through June 30, 2015, units within Human Resources challenged themselves to further expand from performing traditional transactional work to proactively assisting campus departments in reaching goals and priorities through strategic planning.  Examples Include:

  • Reorganized the HR structure  for better alignment and responsiveness to  customer needs.
  • Partnering with campus and outside resources to provide service HR Meetingand both developmental and engagement opportunities to the campus community that align with all campus priorities, with an emphasis on those that contribute to employee success, and to CSUN becoming a destination work place.
  • Assisting numerous departments - including Finance, Physical Plant Management, and the Valley Performing Arts Center with recruitment strategies and organizational restructuring of critical functions due to attrition/retirements.
  • Enabling employees to have a greater understanding of other administrative functions and increase HR collaboration within the division of Administration and Finance, we integrated having a series of divisional leaders speak at monthly HR staff meetings throughout the year.
  • Collaborating with Information Technology, Position Management, and Financial Services to find a solution to eTravel processing for faculty and other employees working outside their classifications as directors of institutes and programs, and for auxiliary employees with State responsibilities.
  • Initiating department and college level outreach meetings throughout campus to provide direct assistance in the understanding and processing of academic personnel transactions, and the conclusion of a position management audit.
  • Through LifeMatters, the university's Employee Assistance Provider, we provided "Respect in the  Workplace" training to a number of departments, focusing the university's efforts on civility in the workplace.
  • HR executed the 1st Campus Equity In-Range Progression program for faculty and staff.
  • HR continued participation in the CHRS Data Collaborative Committee and additional CHRS projects.
  • HR partnered with the Chancellor's Office to provide a live interactive webcast on performance management that was broadcast to the entire CSU and is now saved on Skillport as a training resource for the CSU-system. 

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